Committee of Civil Rights
Made to investigate the status of civil rights and find ways to strengthen and protect them. -
- published "to secure these rights" that proposed to improve civil rights laws
- signed executive order 9980 which desegregated the federal work force signed executive order 9981 which desegregated the armed forces
- first black baseball player: Jackie Robinson -
- group of writers and intellectuals led by jack kerouac and allen ginsberg
- rebelled againnst societal standards and fueled the youth rebellion
Brown v. Board of Ed of Topeka
-a team of NAACP laywers and thuyrgood marshall argues that segregation in schools violated the 14th amendment
- supreme court agreed and overturned the plessy case
- chief justice ruled that segregation in schools should end with all deliberate speed -
Montgomery, AL
- rosa parks refused to give up her seat claiming it was segregation
- formed a protest and boycott of ther city buses
- resulted int he supreme court ruling that segregation laws were unconstitutional
Greensboro, NC
- college students started a sit-in movement after being refused service at a segregated lunch counter
- stsdents would invite arrest toby sitting in restricted areas
- Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee
- formed to keep the sit-in movements organized
- integrated restaraunts, hotels, buildings, libraried, pools, and transportationn in some of the south
Mapp v. Ohio
- decision of the Warren Court
- ruled that iullgally seized evidence cannot be used in court against the accused
Gideon v. Wainwright
- required that state courts provide counsel for poor defendants
Feminine Mystique
- book by Betty Friedan
- encouraged middle-class women to seek fufilllment in professional careers in addition ot the roles of a women in the house
March on Washington
- led by MLK
- contained 200,000 blacks and whites marching in support of the civil rights bill
- MLK's "i have a dream speech'
Civil Rights Act
- ended segregation in public facilities
- gave federal government powers to enforce school desegregation
Escobedo v. Illonois
- required the police to inform an arrested person their right to remain silent
24th Amendment
- failure of a literacy test or failure to pay the poll tax did not dissalow anyone to vote in elections
- a 6 day race riot that killed 34 people
- Los Angeles
Civil Rights Act of 1965
- ended literacy testsb
- federal registrars in ares where blacks were denied their right to vote
Riots 1965-1968
- investigation showed that racism and segregation caused the riots
- 168 riots in cities in 1968 when MLK was assassinated leaving 46 people dead
Miranda v. Arizona
-0 extended Escobedo ruling
- right to a lawyer being present while being questioned by the police -
- National Organization for Women
- secure equal treatment of women (especially jobs)
- helped founded by Friedan who wrotew "feminine mystique"
Assassinations in 1968
- Martin Luther King Jr.