The Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference was a meeting between President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin during the war. They discussed the progress for the war and decisions that had to be made once the war was over. -
THe Potsdam Conference
The Postdam Conference was a meeting between Stalin, Churchill, and President Harry Truman to talk about the terms for the end of War World II. It was the follow up meeting of the Yalta Conference to discuss and determine the postwar borders that were in Europe. -
The Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a program to help finance the recovery of Europe's economy from 1948-1951. -
Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift was the supply carriers for the people of West Berlin organized by the Western Allies. -
Berlin Blockade
One of the first international crises of the Cold War. It was the blockage of the Western Allies' raiway, road, and canal access by the Soviet Union. -
U.S. Military Dsegregated
The U.S. Military Desegregated Executive was an executive order letting the President's Committee and Equaality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services integregate the segregated military. -
Soviet Union test first atomic bomb
The Soviet Union exploded their first atomic bomb. The U.S. was shocked because they didn't expect the Soviet Union to have a nuclear weapon so soon. -
Communist Revolution in China
The Communist Revolution in China was the highest or climactic point of the Chinese Communist Party's drive to power. It was altso the second part of the Chinese Civil War. -
Korean War
Korean War was a civil war between North and South Korea. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration
Dwight D. Eisenhower led the invasion of the Nazi-occupied Europe that began on D-Day. -
Eisenhower sends troops to Vietnam
The Troops were sent after the French were defeated and they left the country. -
McCarthy Hearings Begin
He begins hearings investigating the U.S. Army. He charges them as being "soft" on communism. He bullied them and was reckless causing in his fall from prominence. -
Brown v. Board of Education decision is handed down
They allowed public facilities for blakc people -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
A seminal event in the Civil Rights Movement. It was a protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transport system -
Emmett Till murder
A 14 year old flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store. Four days later, two white men kidknapped him. He was beaten and shot in the head. The men were tried for murder. The white men were acquitted for murdering a black man. -
Federal Interstate Highway Act
Eisenhower signed Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 to law. -
Little Rock Central High School Crisis
9 African Americans are enrollend in a high school in Little Rock. They are escorted inside the racialliy segregated school