ray kroc
Was a salesman for 17 years. later on her purchased a resturant company. helped discover mcdonalds -
Rosenberg Case
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg American commuinsts who were executed for passing nuclear weapons secrets to the USSR -
Betty friedan
Very important figure in the womans movement -
Jonas Salk
American medican researcher and virologist. He discovered and developed the first successful polio vaccine -
house of un-american committee
A committee of the United states house of representatives -
War Powers Act
Increased federal power during WWll. -
G.I bill
low tuiton and low mortgage housing to veterans -
Truman Doctrine
U.S would give support to contries that are threatned by Soviet forces or commuinst insurrection. -
Cold War
hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led Western powers from 1945 to 1990 -
Roy Benavidez
Former member of the United States Army Special Forces and retired United States Army master sergeant who received the Medal of Honor -
Iron Curtian
The national barrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the west to the decline of communisim followed the political events in eastern europe in 1989. -
Marshall Plan
American intiative to aid Europe and Asia in which the united states gave $13 billion in economic help to the European/ -
Containment Policy
A policy that prevents the spread of communism abroad. influenced in Easteren Europe, China, Korea, Africa, and Vietnam -
safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means -
A campaign agaisnt alleged communists in the US goverenment carried out under Senator Joesph McCarthy -
Koren War
The war began in 1950, when North Korea invaded South Korea -
Dwight D Eisenhower
34th Preisdent. Was a five general in the United States Army during WW11 -
Vietnam War
The War against america and vietnam -
Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Blockade was when the soviet blocked Western Allies railway, road and canal access to the Berlion under allied control -
Gary Powers
An American Pilot whose central intelligence agency U-2 spy place was shot down while flying a mission over soviet union airspace -
Abbie Hoffman
Political and social activist who co founded the youth International party -
Domino Theory
the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, -
Served as the 35th president of the united states -
Bay of Pigs
unsuccessful military invasion of cuba -
Lyndon B Johnson
aka LBJ 36th president of the united states -
Golf of Tonkin Resolution
A resolution allwoing president Johnson to take any meausres that were necessary to retaliate in southeast Asia -
great society
The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964-65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. -
Tet Offensive
A new lunar year for the vietnamese and communist cong forces launch an attack towards South Vietnam. -
Richard Nixion
The 37th president and the only president to resign from office -
A policy during the vietnam war to end U.S involvement in the war and train, equip and expand south vietnam's forces and assign to them combat roles and at the same time reducing the number of U.S combat troops -
Cuban Missle Crisis
A confrontation between the united states and the soviet union in 1962 over the presence of missile sites in cuba -
the economy growing by 37% -
rock n roll
type of music that is heavy beat -
low costing inurance for the less fortunate to get some tupe of medical help