Post-War America

  • Postdam Conference

    The big Three went to discuss postwar borders in Europe.
  • The Yalta Conference

    Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin attended and talked about the future of the war and the postwar world
  • Marshall Plan

    It is a plan to help rebuild Europe
  • Berlin Blockade

    Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies way to Berlin.
  • US Military Desegregation

    Ends segregation in the Army.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Western Allies flew supplies to West Berlin.
  • Communist Revolution in China

    China made the Republic of China instead of being a communist country.
  • Soviet Union tests it's first atomic bomb

    Soviet Union exploded it's first atomic bomb.
  • Korean War

    The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration

    He became President of the United States.
  • Troops to Vietnam

    Eisenhower sends troops to Vietnam.