Dwight Eisenhower.
President from 1953-1961 and was a commander of the allied forces in Europe. -
Ray Kroc
Was a buisness man who joined Mcdonalds in 1954 and as everyone knows, it is famous untill this day -
Took over for JFK after his assassination -
Richard Nixon
Was the 37th president and the only president to resign from office -
Jonas Salk
Discovered and developed the first polio vaccine. -
John F. Kennedy
On;y served as president for two years because as everyone knows he was assaaainated. -
Betty Friedan
A leading figure in the womens movement -
Gary Powers
American pilot whos plane was shot down during a reconnaissance mission in the soviets airspace. -
Roy Benavidez
Was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in South Vietnam -
Abbie Hoffman
Founded the Youth International Party -
To investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities -
War powers Act
Two weeks after the attack on pearl harbor -
Cold war
Political and military tension after World War II with the western and eastern blocs -
Venona Papers
An American government effort to decrypt coded messages. -
G.I Bill
An education beneifit earned by members active duty. -
Iron Curtain
imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two areas. -
Baby Boom Generation
People born between 1946-1964 -
Truman Doctrine
Created to counter the Soviets in the Cold War -
Containment Policy
Tried to prevent the spreading of cummunism. -
Marshall Plan
To aid western Europe -
Berlin Airlift
U.S Britain and Soviet military forces divided and took Germany. -
Alliance formed for military purposes. -
Practice of making accusations of treason without proper evidence. -
Rust Belt and Sun Belt
Both increased immigration -
Domino Theory
The meaning of if some country became communist, others would follow -
50s culture
music, Truman and Eisenhower as the presidents. wars -
Korean War
Fight between the North and South of Korea. United States fought for south and /china fought for the north -
Rosenberg Trial
Ethel and Julius were accused of selling nuclear secrets to the russians -
Vietnam War
Known as the second indochina war -
Interstate highway act
Controls the highways -
Space Race
Competition between the Soviets and the U.S. -
60s culture
Kennedy was the man but LBJ was just there longer and took over for his death. -
Bay of Pigs
Failed military invasion on Cuba -
Cuban Missle Crisis
13 day confrontation between the United States and The Soviets. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Basically giving President Johnson control to do whatever he thought was nesecary. -
Great Society
A set of domestic programs to eliminate poverty -
Created to improve health across America. -
Miranda v Arizona
inresponse statements -
Tet Offensive 1968
One of the largest military cmpaigns of vietnam war. -
To train the south viatnamese. -
70s culture
Nixon, ford, and carter were the presidents in the 70s. Nixon was the first president to resign. Drugs were becoming a big deal. -
Fall of Saigon
It was the capturing of Saigon -
80s culture
Ronald Reagan was the main president, Clothing was wild, drugs were still a big deal especially cocaine