Bait Tutorial
- Moving clips to re - arrange them
- cutting clips to insert other footage
- Match cut
Film Swede
! Digital Technology !
I used the zoom function on the camera in my harry potter Swede in AS to zoom into certain people as it shows facial expressions more vivdily and you can see the persona emotions more. Also I used the zoom out button to show more of the setting and scenery around the main character. At first, as this was the first time using this function, I either zoomed in to much or zoomed out too much so it was hard to do the right type of zoom I wanted. -
Film swede
carrying on digital technology...
However, when I used the camera next in my music video remake of 'vogue' by madonna, i was an expert on zooming in and out as i have had some practise so this process was easier -
Arlington road
- jump cuts
- slow motion
- cutting clips
shot - by shot remake - Juno
! Digital technology !
I used the Pan facility on the camera in my Juno shot - by shot remake. I used this to follow Tina down the street as this would involve less editing. At first this process was not successful at start as it was hard to keep Tina in the frame as she was moving to fast, keeping her out of the frame. Therefore in A2, I used editing to show a a movement like Pan as it would be easier. However, I found that tracking is easier to use. -
Match cut Prelim
180 degree rule
match cut
shot - reverse - shot
acting -
Digital technolgy
I used the cam media button in my AS thriler to review footage which i have filmed, this was better then filming then waiting to edit and look back at the footage incase something was not right at the time while filming so we could re film a scene. As there was so much footage to review, it took up a lot of time and was not always easy finding the footage we wanted. So it took time to get used to this process, However, once used it a couple of times, I got used to it. -
Lip sync tutorial
editing in a different way -
new skills on final cut pro -
Music video remake - Madonna ( 'vogue' )
Music video - 'Excuse my rude'
editing effects -
bad tv
colour correction
changing the oppacity
inserting text
- voice over ( lip syncing ) -
Ancillary work
photoshop skills
- drawing shapes and inserting the
- using different colour and fonts
- inserting images
- cropping images
- resizing images