
Post Modernism

  • Birmingham Address

    Martin Luther gave his birmingham address and the Civil RIghts movement was an influence on art of the time.
  • 1968 Revolts

    Worldwide revolts protested militarization and other changing political and social events.
  • Period: to

    Post Modernism

    Post Modernism used art to criticize popular ideas and steryotypes. It decontextualized images from popualr culture to examine their true meaning and inspire further thought. Art was seen as a poignant way to cirtique society.
  • The Liberation of Aunt Jemima

    The Liberation of Aunt Jemima
    Betve Saar, The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, 1972, mixed media
  • VIetnam War Ends

    America's involvement in the vietnam war ended and the implications of the war and protests were vast.
  • Dinner Party

    Dinner Party
    JUDY CHICAGO, The Dinner Party, 1979. Multimedia, including ceramics and stitchery
  • Untitled Film Still #35

    Untitled Film Still #35
    CINDY SHERMAN, Untitled Film Still #35, 1979