

  • Japan begins trade with the West

    Japan, after a long period of isolation, began to trade with countries in the west and the goods that were brought back to Europe inspired artists such as Van Gogh.
  • Van Gogh is born

    Van Gogh, the artist who would come to be a central part of the Post-Impressionist movement, was born in the Netherlands.
  • Period: to


    This movement was not a cohesive one. Various artists took different directions. Van Gogh used incredible color and line to express his subjects. Gauguin explored imagination and memory in non natural color and line. This movement encompassed several different styles.
  • A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

    A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
    GEORGES SEURAT, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 1884–1886
  • Last Impressionist Exhibition

    The last Impressionist Exhibit in Paris featured some of the new Post-Impressionist works including those of Seurat.
  • Starry Night

    Starry Night
    VINCENT VAN GOGH, Starry Night, 1889
  • Manao tupapau (The Specter Watches over Her)

    Manao tupapau (The Specter Watches over Her)
    Paul Gauguin, Manao tupapau (The Specter Watches over Her), 1892