Post Cold War Era Timeline

  • Immigration Act of 1965

    This act abolished the quota system previously set that restricted amount of immigrants allowed from a certain area. This piece of legislation allowed for a higher amount of immigrants to be accepted in the US and based less off of race and more on other important values.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    The 9/11 terroist attacks was a coordinated attack on US soil that led to two planes being crashed in to the twin towers and one into the pentagon. A 4th plane was supposed to hit another target was bravely brought down by resistant civillians aboard. These attacks although tragic made the world and espcially the skies a safer place with tighter secuirty.

    The PATRIOT act allowed for government surveillance of citizens who are suspected of illegal activity (Espcially terroistic plans) This act although a controversal one assist with the discovering and foiling of terroist plans and allows for more direct action to be taken.