Post Classic Timeline

  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500

    Post Classic

  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    Umayyad Dynasty

    Meccan merchant clans with good reputation and network alliances that helped bring stability to the Islamic community
  • Period: Feb 9, 670 to Feb 9, 1025

    Kingdom of Srivijaya

    based on small island of Sumatra, kings had powerful navy and controlled commerce, financed navy and bureacracy from taxes levied on ships passing through the region
  • Period: Feb 9, 750 to Feb 9, 1258

    Abbasid Dynasty

    relied on Perisan techniques of statecraft in designing administration. officials called ulama and qadis set moral standards in local communitites and resolved disputes
  • Period: Feb 9, 751 to

    Carolingian Kingdom

    the aristocratic clan of the Carolingians asserted authority of the central government after Clovis's death
  • Period: Feb 9, 1066 to Feb 9, 1154

    the Normans

    had dukes with a tightly centralized state, dukes owned all land and could grant it to whom they chose
  • Period: Feb 9, 1200 to Feb 9, 1400


    22 kings ruled before Muhammad and companions embarked on hijra, was a trade center for gold
  • Period: Feb 9, 1400 to Feb 9, 1500

    Mali Empire

    (actually estended into 15th centruy), Mansa Musa is best known leader, was Muslim and helped trade relations with Muslims and Mali
  • Period: to

    Sui Dynasty

    had a strong centralized government with emperors, who ordered construction of palaces and levied taxes, most known for construction of the grand canal
  • Period: to

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Taizong was a ruler that was ambitious and ruthless, there was an equal-field system and bureaucracy of merit
  • Period: to Feb 9, 1267

    the Chola Kingdom

    It was financed by profits of trade and had a powerful navy, there was considerable political autonomy as long as citizens payed their taxes and avoided conflict
  • Period: to Feb 9, 1150

    the Toltecs (high point)

    settled at Tula, large and powerful army, center of weaving, pottery and obsidian work