
Post Civil War History of Business--United States

  • End of Civil War

    The bloodiest conflict in United States history comes to an end at the Appomattox courthouse.
  • Greenback Party Forms

    Greenback Party Forms
    The Greenback party, a reaction to the Panic of 1873 is formed by workers and farmers. It is the manifestation of anti-monopoly sentiments and support for unbacked currencies.
  • Labor Day

    Labor Day
    The first widespread celebrations for "Labor Day" occur to commemorate workers.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    The powerful Sherman Antitrust Act is emplaced, giving a weapon to legislators in controlling large cartels and trusts.
  • Federal Reserve Established

    Federal Reserve Established
    The Fed is established in order to prevent panics and runs on banks among other tasks. With the addition of section 13.8, the U.S. government is capable of significant note payouts and currency debasing. In conjunction with the 'liberty bond' drives, the U.S. can now fund wide-scale warfare.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The financial crash caused by a speculative bubble occurs, preceding the Great Depression.
  • Bank Runs

    Bank Runs
    Repeated runs on the banks, which end in 1933, cause over 9000 banks to dissolve, plummeting the money supply and increasing the cost of credit intermediation. This monetary collapse greatly exacerbates the depression and is the first major failure of the Federal Reserve after the death of Strong.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan is signed to give $17 billion in aid to countries adversely affected by WWII
  • First Credit Card Introduced

    First Credit Card Introduced
    The first modern credit card is introduced.
  • Walmart Opens

    Walmart Opens
    Sam Walton opens Walmart. Known to have noticeable effects on national inflation, Walmart goes on to be one of the largest and most successful corporations ever known.
  • Microsoft Founded

    Microsoft Founded
    Microsoft is formed in Albequerque, New Mexico. Microsoft goes on to revolutionize the computer market through its programming.
  • First Domain Name Registered

    First Domain Name Registered
    The first internet domain name,, is registered. This marks the beginning of the internet revolution and subsequent economic upturn.
  • Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    Dissolution of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union collapses, initiating the end of the costly Cold War.
  • War on Terror Begins

    War on Terror Begins
    One of the costliest economic wars in history begins.
  • Bush Bailout

    Bush Bailout
    $700 billion in Keyensian style bailouts are unsuccessfully initiated.