First somatic cell transfer
Robert Briggs and Thomas King cloned tadpoles using the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). They transferred the nucleus of an early tadpole embryo, into a frog egg, which’s nucleus has been removed. The younger the embryo was, the better the results were, but it was a failed experiment, as unfortunately, those which did survive, grew abnormally. -
The first mammal (a sheep) to be successfully cloned using SCNT
After 276 failed attempts, a cloned sheep embryo (created from transferring the nucleus of a sheep’s udder cell to an enucleated egg) was given to a surrogate mother. The resultant lamb was named Dolly. -
First primate created by embryonic cell nuclear transfer
Declaration on Human Cloning
In 2005, the UN passed the "Declaration on Human Cloning", prohibiting anyone from cloning humans. -
First primate embryonic stem cells created by SCNT
First mature human embryo clones using SCNT
In 2008, researchers successfully created 5 mature human embryos, through SCNT. Although they were only allowed to grow until the blastocyst stage, this shows that purposely creating a human clone is not unattainable. -
First human embryonic stem cells created by SCNT
Helium-3 sample return mission
China sends Chang’e 5 on a Long March 5 rocket, to execute a lunar sample return mission. It samples around 2 kg of lunar samples, and brings them back to Earth. -
Lunar Industries Ltd. created
Lunar Industries Ltd. is created. They realize the potential of the Helium-3, and intend on building a mining base there. -
Lunar Industries Ltd. starts to build Sarang Mining Base
There are certain legalities, but eventually, Lunar Industries Ltd. is allowed to build a mining base there, on the conditions that they must sell a portion of their He-3 to any government when asked for, for a suitable price. They begin to build the Sarang Mining Base. -
Double Care Ltd. is caught cloning clients.
Double Care Ltd. is caught cloning clients. They can clone whole bodies, not just the DNA – they can make the clone and the client the same age (physically). The scientists and researchers are put into jail for life, but it’s enough for everyone around the world to know that cloning a whole body can be done. -
Sam Bell, an astronaut, starts his training for working on the Sarang Mining Base.
Lunar Industries Ltd. work on cloning
Lunar Industries Ltd. thinks about secretly cloning the current Sam Bell to save time and money. They collect Sam’s DNA (without him knowing), and secretly start to work on trying to clone him. -
Sarang mining base finished
The Sarang Mining Base is finally completed. -
Sam Bell starts 3-year contract
Sam Bell starts his 3-year contract at the Sarang mining Base, along with his personal care assistant, GERTY, to ensure that Sam is suitable for work all the time. -
Lunar Industries Ltd. successfully clones Sam Bell
Lunar Industries Ltd. finally successfully clones Sam Bell. They purposely have the clones rapidly decompose at the end of a 3-year contract. -
Sam Bell finishes his contract
1st Sam Bell clone starts contract
The first Sam Bell clone starts his “3-year contract”. To avoid the clone discovering that he is a clone, Lunar Industries Ltd. makes it unable for him to contact anyone on Earth live. GERTY also lives with the clone, to make sure that a) he is healthy and well-cared for, and b) he ensures that all the company’s ideals are kept. -
1st Sam Bell clone finishes contract
The first Sam Bell clone ends his “3-year contract”. Under the guise of sending him back to Earth, Lunar Industries Ltd. euthanizes the clone. -
Period: to
4 Sam Bell clones come and go
The 5th Sam Bell clone starts his “3-year contract”.
Accident on Sarang Mining Base
The 5th Sam Bell clone has an accident. The 6th Sam Bell clone is woken up. Eventually, the 5th and 6th Sam Bell clones meet. They find out that they are both clones, and that they have been exploited for Lunar Industries Ltd. to save money. They also find many other clones, and hatch a plan so that the 6th Sam Bell clone can escape back to Earth. He successfully arrives back at Earth, and exposes Lunar Industries Ltd. The 5th Sam Bell clone dies on the Moon. -
Lunar Industries Ltd. stocks drop
After the large scandal, Lunar Industries Ltd.’s stocks drop by 50%. The 6th Sam clone campaigns for the end of the making of full-bodied clones. He says: “Clones deserve better!” He has nothing against therapeutic cloning though – he sees the potential of it helping people around the world medically, as it can repair and replace damaged tissues and organs, with no worry of rejection by the immune system. -
Punishments for cloning
The punishment for creating clones heightens from being jailed for life, to a death sentence. So far, apart from the 6th Sam Bell clone, 5 others created by other companies have come out to say they were clones. 3 of them are in hospital, because of their dire state of health – they have been genetically engineered to have built-in obsolescence. -
Dr. Louis McChavick gets punished for cloning
A scientist, Dr. Louis McChavick confesses to helping 25 companies clone people. He will be gruesomely executed by electric chair in half years’ time. He must also tell all the names of all the companies he has helped. Even though the 6th Sam Bell clone knows he will die soon, he advocates for human rights for clones. -
The 6th Sam Bell clone dies
The 6th Sam Bell clone dies. He has made a prominent mark on history, and will forever be remembered fondly as one of the leaders of stopping the unethical process of cloning adult human bodies.