Period: Jul 25, 1139 to Oct 22, 1383
House of Burgundy (Afonsine Dynasty)
Period: Jan 1, 1180 to Jan 1, 1440
Pre-imperial era of Benin
Exact dates not known. -
Jan 1, 1341
Portugal raids the Canary Islands
Date not exact. -
Period: Jan 1, 1342 to Jan 1, 1440
Oba Uwaifiokun
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Jan 1, 1366 to Jan 1, 1397
Oba Egbeka
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Apr 1, 1383 to Oct 14, 1385
Crisis of 1383-1385 (Interregnum)
Period: Apr 6, 1385 to
House of Aziz (Joanine Dynasty)
Exact end date not known. -
Period: Apr 6, 1385 to Aug 14, 1433
D. João I "the Good"
John -
Period: Mar 4, 1394 to Nov 13, 1460
Infante Henrique of Portugal (lifespan)
Life of Prince Henry the Navigator. He was never king. -
Period: Jan 1, 1397 to Jan 1, 1434
Oba Orobiru
Exact dates not known. -
Aug 21, 1415
Portugal conquers Marinid city of Cueta, beginning the Portuguese Empire
Cueta is a city in Northern Africa then under control of the Marinid Empire (Sunni Muslims). -
Period: Aug 14, 1433 to Sep 9, 1438
D. Duarte I "the Eloquent"
Edward -
Jan 1, 1434
Gil Eanes crosses Cape Bojador
Bojador posed a serious mental block for early Portuguese explorers. Rounding it was a major landmark for Portugal's maritime exploration. Date not exact. -
Period: Sep 13, 1438 to Nov 11, 1477
D. Afonso V "the African"
Alphonso -
Period: Jan 1, 1440 to
Benin Empire ("Great Benin")
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Jan 1, 1440 to Jan 1, 1473
Oba Ewuare the Great
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Jan 1, 1473 to Jan 1, 1475
Oba Ezoti
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Jan 1, 1475 to Jan 1, 1480
Oba Olua
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Nov 11, 1477 to Nov 15, 1477
D. João II "the Perfect Prince"
John -
Period: Nov 15, 1477 to Aug 28, 1481
D. Afonso V "the African"
Second part of reign, after interregnum in November 1477 -
Period: Jan 1, 1480 to Jan 1, 1504
Oba Ozolua
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Aug 28, 1481 to Oct 25, 1495
D. João II "the Perfect Prince"
John -
Jan 1, 1484
Diogo Cão is the first European to see the Congo River
Exact date not known. -
Jan 1, 1485
Portuguese arrive in Benin
First contact. Date not exact. -
Jan 1, 1491
Bartolomeu Dias and his crew are the first Europeans to cross the Cape of Good Hope.
Date not exact. -
Jan 1, 1494
Treaty of Tordesilhas is signed
Administered by the Pope, between Spain and Portugal. Date not exact. -
Period: Oct 25, 1495 to Dec 13, 1521
D. Manuel I "the Afortunate"
Emmanuel I -
Jan 1, 1498
Vasco de Gama finds a sea route to India
Sails around Africa. Date not exact. -
Jan 1, 1500
D. Manuel I orders the conversion of expulsion of all Jews living in Portugal
Date not exact. Some Jews became explorers because of this. -
Apr 22, 1500
Pedro Álvares "discovers" Brazil
Period: Jan 1, 1504 to Jan 1, 1547
Oba Esigie
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Apr 19, 1506 to Apr 21, 1506
Lisbon massacre
Native Portuguese Catholics and foreign sailors murdered hundreds of people suspected of being Jewish. -
Mar 12, 1514
Embassy to Pope Leo X
Led by Tristão da Cunha -
Jan 1, 1517
First Portuguese diplomatic mission to China
Fernão Pires de Andrade and Tomé Pires were chosen by Manuel I of Portugal to sail to China to formally open relations between the Portuguese Empire and the Ming Dynasty during the reign of the Zhengde Emperor. -
Period: Dec 13, 1521 to Jun 11, 1557
D. João III "the Pious"
John -
Period: Jan 1, 1547 to Jan 1, 1580
Oba Orhogbua
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Jun 11, 1557 to Aug 4, 1578
D. Sebastião "the Desired Prince"
Sebastian. The subject of the messianic "sebastianismo" folklore. -
Jan 1, 1569
Plague in Portugal. 60,000 people die in Lisbon alone. Date not exact. -
Jan 1, 1572
First publication of Luís de Camões "Os Lusíadas"
Date not exact. -
Period: Aug 4, 1578 to Jan 31, 1580
D. Henrique (II) "the Chaste"
Henry (II) -
Period: Jan 1, 1580 to
Oba Ehengbuda
Exact dates not known. -
Period: Jul 24, 1580 to
D. António "the Determined"
Anthony. Exact end date of reign not known. -
Period: Apr 17, 1581 to
House of Habsburg (Philippine Dynasty)
Period: Apr 17, 1581 to
D. Filipe I "the Prudent"
Philip -
Jan 1, 1582
Portugal switches to the Gregorian Calender
Date not exact. Important note for dates prior to this. -
Period: to
D. Filipe II "the Pious"
Philip -
Period: to
Oba Ohuan
Exact dates not known. -
Period: to
D. Filipe III "the Great/Oppressor"
Philip. -
Period: to
House of Braganza (Brigantine Dynasty)
Period: to
D. João IV "the Restorer"
John -
Portuguese retake Angola
Date not exact. The Portuguese from Brazil under Salvador de Sá land in Angola, expel the Dutch and restore the African colony to Portugal. -
Period: to
Oba Ohenzae
Exact dates not known. -
Period: to
D. Afonso IV "the Victorious"
Alphonso -
Period: to
D. Pedro II "the Pacifist"
Peter -
Period: to
Oba Akenzae
Exact dates not known. -
Period: to
Oba Akengboi
Exact dates not known. -
Period: to
Oba Akenkbaye
Exact dates not known. -
Period: to
Oba Akengbedo
Exact dates not known. -
Period: to
Oba Ore-Oghene
Exact dates not known. -
Drought disrupts Portuguese silk production
Date not exact. -
Gold discovered in São Paulo province of Brazil
Date not exact. Within 3 years, Brazil is producing 50k ounces of gold per year (**note: how much were they producing prior to Sao Paulo discovery?)