Republic p1

Portugal 2 - 6th period

  • Jan 1, 1497

    Portugal #2 6th period

    Portugal  #2 6th period
    where:sines,Portugal. from Europe to India around Africa
    what: Vasco Da Gama led the first voyage to go from Europe to India around Africa
    who: Vasco da gama
    why: Da Gamas father was also an explorer
  • May 10, 1497


    When, was born in march 9,1451. He died in February 22,1512.He explored on may 10, 1497.
    What, He was known for his namesake. He was the first to recognize both south and north america.
    Where, Born in Florence Italy , died in Seville Spain. Explored Brazil and discovered the amazon river.
    Who, He was a explorer for Portugal
    Why, He was sponserd by Portugal to explore.
  • Jan 1, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan 1480 to 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan 1480 to 1521
    Who:Ferdinand Magellan.
    What:Portugal Explore and Navagator.
    When:He lived in 1480 and died in April 21 of 1521.
    Where:Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal.
    why:He wanted to find the fame of fortune.Also to find more routs to the spice trades.