Period: 1 CE to
Apolitical ideology that identifies a nation as a group of individuals who share common characteristics. Wanting to be a part of a nation -
Period: 500 to
Jan 1, 1497
Discovery of the grand banks
Period: May 8, 1500 to
a belief that consists of attributing spirits to objects, plants & animals -
French monarchy
Francis the second -
French monarchy
Charles xi -
Period: 1574 to
French monarchy
Henry the 3 -
Period: to
French monarchy
Henry iv -
Period: to
Period: to
an attitude which consist of lending support to political -
Period: to
An economic system that encourages the concentration of wealth, the control of the means of production by a small number of people, as well as free competition -
Permanent Quebec settlement
Period: to
French regime
Period: to
French monarchy
Louis XIII -
Company of 100 associates founded
Champlain relocates from portrayal to Quebec
Period: to
French monarchy
Louis XIV -
Royal gov
Royal government
Period: to
Apolitical and religious doctrine according to which the catholic chruch predominates in every way, notably with respect to political power. -
Period: to
French monarchy
Louis XV -
Period: to
British monarchy
George III -
Period: to
a doctrine whereby the catholic church in France enjoyed autonomy with respect to the authority of the pope. ( king was above the pope)
Ex: bishops answer to king France, king is highest authority -
Period: to
Military rule
Royal proclamation
Period: to
British conquest
Period: to
French monarchy
Louis XVI -
Quebec act
Period: to
loyalist migration
Period: to
Napoleon war
USA created
Constitutional act
Period: to
a political ideology, according to which all individuals have equal and fundamental rights, including protection from the abuse of the monarchs power -
Period: to
Continental blockage
Period: to
British monarchy
George IV -
Hudsons bay company merges with Northwest company
Period: to
British monarchy
William IV -
Rebellions between upper and lower Canada
Countervailing power
Rebelions of upper and lower Canada -
Period: to
British monarchy
Victoria -
Duram report
union act
Irish immigration
Responsible government
Period: to
an ideology that promotes tradition and totalism as well as extreme nationalism -
BNA act
Period: to
Post confederation
National policy
Period: to
Grain and minerals
Conscription crisis
Louis real -
Louis real
Catholic French-metis who was hung for treason. He wants the french language and catholic religon orotected. He also founded manitoba. The natives really liked him. -
Completion of CPR
Period: to
An attitude consisting of a refusal of the church's influence over any sphere of life other than the religious sphere. -
Period: to
British monarchy
Edward VII -
Period: to
British monarchy
George V -
Period: to
World war 1
conscription crisis
when they wanted people to fight in the war but people did not want to fight in it. Canada was most divided. -
Cuntervailing power
conscription crisis -
Workers have trouble getting jobs
Russian revolution and the war has just ended. Causing a bunch of people to come back to canada and creating a soarce job market, hence the largest protest of cabada happens, with 35,000 people in the sam city(winipeg) going on strike. crowds assemble in the town square, the police even had discussions going on of going on strike, reaction of the government is to read the riot act people do not disperce so they have the army shoot into the crowd, one dies many woonded (Bloody saturday) -
Countervailing power
Winnipeg strike. -
Period: to
An ideology that advocates the abolition of private property. The state owns all property. -
Period: to
Great depression
Period: to
An economic system that encourages the pooling of resources and a shared management style, as well a shared profits -
statue of westminster
Period: to
British monarchy
Edward VIII -
Period: to
British monarchy
George VI -
Period: to
World war 2
Nationalization of hydro Quebec
Period: to
An atittude of consideration of aboriginal peoples cultural charcteriststics -
Period: to
Acustom and way of life that resembles those of the U.S.A -
Period: to
Contemporary era
Period: to
Period: to
Baby boom
Biggest increase of population growth -
Period: to
Italian immigration
Period: to
British monarchy
Elizabeth II -
Period: to
an ideology that values a traditional way of life based on agriculturalism. -
quiet revolution
Period: to
an ideology that maintains that only spiritual matters are within the churchs jurisdiction -
Constitutional act