Population Growth from the 1700s to present day.

  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    Better farming technology meant more food produced per area of land with less labor. Therefore more food for more people.
  • Hygeine

    Better clothing for men and women. Meaning better protection from disease and better warmth. Also better sewage so it prevent disease like small pox cholera. Therefore people live longer so population goes up.
  • Train system Created

    Train system Created
    More transportation created more Food and ideas spread to other places. Therefore humans are spreading to other places of the world
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Train System Created jobs also Boats ran by steam engines. Therefore better amount of money is distributed and people can afford better clothing so it can block disease leading to population growth.
  • Fist Central Heat system

    Fist Central Heat system
    First time a house was ran on electricity. Therefore people would be warm in there house than dying from hypothermia.
  • Vaccine

    Different Cures for disease. Therefore less death of disease.
  • Anti-biotics

    Better health-care lead to pain killers and better medicine. Therefore lived longer then the population grows.
  • Global Trade

    Global Trade
    Importing products to different countries leads to better access to resources. Therefore people can have clean food, water and clothing. Therefore people don’t die from starvation and people don’t have to work as hard like being put in a dangerous work place making it more safe. Leading to growth in the population.