Population Growth

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Steam engine created a massive amount of energy. They used to power basically everything that took electricity.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    Better farming technology meant more food produced per area of land with less labor. Therefore more food for more people.
  • Hygiene

    People started to take care of themselves. They cleaned their cuts and stopped having the drain in the middle of the streets where there are many people walking.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was the transition to newmanufacturing processes.
  • Vaccine

    People weren't dying to disease much.
  • Train System - Trucks

    Train System - Trucks
    You could transport things quicker and in bigger loads.
  • Globalized Trade

    Globalized Trade
    You could send massive amounts of a something to get a massive amount of something. For instance, Canada trades petroleum oil for money. That money goes towards better antibiotics and a cure for cancer which means people don’t die.
  • Air Conditioner

    Air Conditioner
    Heats buildings it helps people stay warm in the winter and blow cold air in the summer so you are not sweating puddles.
  • Fridge

    The fridge preserves food, this means that fewer people had to be a farmer to feed their families. With less people being farmers they could help invent new technologies to help society.
  • Antibiotics

    They used antibiotics to treat wounds and thing like that. Cuts didn’t get infected which means that people didn’t get sick which means that people didn’t die. Therefore the increasing the population.