
By tgriffs
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    The sexual revolution/ The feminist movement

    During this time the birth control pill was introduced. More couples were living together and there were more divorces.There were a lot of children living in singl parent homes, babies being born out of wedlock, and the risk of STD's rose. The Pill's revolutionary breakthrough,allowed women to separate sex from creating a child.
  • Bob Dylan : Folk Music

    Bob Dylan : Folk Music
    A famous American folk musician,singer, and songwriter, who becoame known for his meaningful lyrics.In the song"Blowin in the wind" he protested racial discrimination. He was an influential figure in pop music and culture. Dylan's lyrics incorporated a variety of political, social, philosophical, and literary influences.
  • Progressive Labor Party/ movement

    Progressive Labor Party/ movement
    The Progressive Labor Party (originally the Progressive Labor Movement and often referred to as PL) is a transnational communist party based primarily in the United States. It was formed in the fall of 1961 by members of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) who felt that the Soviet Union had betrayed communism and become state capitalist. Founders also felt that the CPUSA was adopting unforgivably reformist positions, such as peaceful coexistence, and turning to electoral politics
  • The new left movement

    The new left movement
    This movement was started by a small group of student activists who wanted to tend to the poor. They tried to create the vision of a just society. Freedom and equality for all.
  • The port Huron Statement

    The port Huron Statement
    The Port Huron Statement was created by the American student activist movement Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), written primarily by Tom Hayden and completed on June 15, 1962. a 25,700-word document that tlkaed about the fundamental problems of American society a vision for a better future. It marked a seminal moment in the development of the New Left.
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    The free speech movement

    This movement was created in response to a rule banning groups like SDS to spread their ideas on the freedom of expression.
  • Teach In

    Teach In
    The first major teach-in was organized by Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor on March 24–25, 1965.The event was attended by about 3,500 and consisted of debates, lectures, movies, and musical events aimed at protesting the vietnam war.
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    Economic Research and Action Project

    The SDS would try to organize white unemployed youths through a new program called the Economic Research and Action Project (ERAP). This "into the ghetto" move was a practical failure, but the fact that it existed at all drew many young people into the SDS group.
  • "Human Be-In" festival

    "Human Be-In" festival
    The Human Be-In focused the key ideas of the 1960s counterculture: personal empowerment, communal living, ecological awareness, higher consciousness (with the aid of drugs), and radical liberal political consciousness.It was a prelude to San Francisco's Summer of Love, which made the Haight-Ashbury district a symbol as the center of an American counterculture and introduced the word 'psychedelic' to suburbia.
  • Youth international Party

    Youth international Party
    Members of this counterculture were known as yippies. Combining a hippie lifestyle with new left politics.They drew media attention by pulling pranks calling them " comercials for the revolution". "They have been described as a highly theatrical, anti-authoritarian and anarchist youth movement of "symbolic politics".
  • Woodstock

    A music and art festival in White Lake,New York. Three days of peace and music. Known as the "Counterculture concert". A peaceful gathering of 400 thousand people. This help rock music to become more popular.