pop art timeline

  • Period: to

    Consumer Era in USA

    Business and political leaders claimed consumerism was more than shopping: it defined the benefits of capitalism. This era marked a high point of American productivity and a high standard of living - which in turn influenced pop artists, who were critical of consumer culture, especially in USA
  • Eduardo Paolozzi "I was a Rich Man's Plaything"

    Eduardo Paolozzi "I was a Rich Man's Plaything"
    Eduardo Paolozzi produces what is often considered to be one of the first works of true pop art, "I was a Rich Man's Plaything". This collage even features the word POP itself, emerging from a gun.
  • "The Independent Group" forms, London, 1952

    "The Independent Group" forms, London, 1952
    The Independent Group, where the first pop artists in London's art scene meet and collaborate forms in 1952. This group produced many of the first exhibitions to feature pop art, and included a number of artists that are considered to be founders of the movement. Among them were Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi, two extremely influential collage artists who helped to define the movement when it was in its infancy.