pop art emergence
The new artistic movement named Pop Art, emerged in the 1950s, in England and the United States. Their first intention was to go against abstract expressionism, because they thought it was too difficult to understand. -
Creation The Independent Group
The first pop artists on the London art scene meet and collaborate. This group produced many of the early exhibitions featuring pop art and included various artists who are considered founders of the movement, such as Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi and some art critics such as Lawrence Alloway. -
Frank Cordell coined the term Pop Art
From what is known, Frank Cordell could have definitely given the meaning to the term Pop Art -
Defined movement
The term "pop art" and the general concept that it entails is well established among the members of the Independent Group. Now it has become a definite movement. -
This is Tomorrow exposition
The Independent Group is definitively dissolved, although many of the artists continue to meet informally, and several of them appear in the exhibition This is Tomorrow. In particular, the collage by Richard Hamilton. A collage is exhibited that would later be considered one of the turning points of the movement and one of the first pieces of true pop art. -
The Arts and the Mass Media,
Lawrence Alloway writes an essay on pop art, called The Arts and the Mass Media, which helps popularize the movement and better define it. -
Billy Apple meets Andy Warhol
Billy Apple and others venture to America for the first time and meet Andy Warhol. British and American artists collaborate and help reinforce the style's prominence on the art scene. -
The revelation of Pop Art
The term "pop art" is first used in the United States by the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Andy Warhol Exhibits His Campbell Soup Cans for the First Time; this is also his first solo show. In Art News for September, G. R. Swenson wrote the first article in favor of these painters whom he called new sign painters. And the great magazines Time, Newsweek and life began to enshrine articles of the new artistic scandal -
Drowning Girl
Roy Lichtenstein produces one of his most famous paintings, Drowning Girl, which is a near-exact copy of a panel from the DC comic Secret Hearts. -
American Supermarket exhibition and Italian pop art
American Supermarket exhibition is held.
Pop Art was known in Italy until 1964 and took different forms, such as the "scuola di piazza del popolo" in Rome. -
Spanish Pop Art
In the category of Spanish pop art, it is the team chronicle (the chronic team) that existed in Valencia between 1964 and 1681, made up of artists. Manolo Valdés and Rafael Solbes. -
Pop art as advertising
Pop art becomes an aspirant in advertising images and being recognized by a very wide public, this would increase the ability to attend. In addition, the public was delighted to recognize ordinary objects in the paintings and to save themselves the effort that represented the interpretation of the works of Abstract Expressionism, they found themselves in a situation that made their burden of irony and ambiguity difficult. -
Andy Warhol is fired and pop art slows down
Andy Warhol is shot by radical feminist Valerie Solanas and nearly dies from his wounds. The incident takes a toll on Warhol's career and both his work output and the movement in general begins to slow down. -
Pop art in Spanish cinema
Filmmaker Pedro almodovar left Madrid "La Movida" subculture (1970) making low-budget super 8 pop art movies and was later called the Andy Warhol of Spain by the media of the time -
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol publishes his book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, after after he was shot. -
New York Academy of Art
Warhol helps found the New York Academy of Art. -
Evolution of pop art
Pop art evolves until it is considered the result of a lifestyle, the plastic manifestation of a culture characterized by technology. This was raised by many artists and it was what their works and their work captured from now on. -
pop art in the 2000s
One of the evidence that reflects the importance and influence of Pop Art today is, as strange and extravagant as it sounds, many pieces of furniture. Even though Pop Art was developed almost 50 years ago, it is clear that it left a very important mark, and that is that being popular art has its advantages, because, as we have already said several times, Pop art was an approach to the tastes and ways of life of society. -
pop art nowadays
With women as the main protagonists of the 2019 program, the Usina del Arte inaugurated its visual arts calendar 2 years ago. In 2019, in addition, the cultural space of La Boca exhibited works by the five most relevant artists of pop art: Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Keith Haring and Robert Indiana.