Pontiac Rebellion

  • Pontiac's birth

    He was born under the Ottawa Chief and his mother was Chippewa from the Ojibwa tribe.
  • Collection of other Tribes

    Collection of other Tribes
    Pontiac got support from almost every Indian tribe to expel British from French lands. He got tribes such as, the Ottawa, Delaware, Potawatomie, Shawnee, Mingo, Wyandot, Ojibwe, Huron, Choctaw, Piankashaw, Kickapoo, Tunica, Peoria, and Mascouten
  • Pontiac's forces attacked British forts

    Pontiac's forces attacked British forts
    Pontiac took his tribe/tribes to attack what all British forts they had.
  • Proclomation was made

    The Proclomation stated that any land West of the Appalachian Mountains was to be preserved for Indian reservations.
  • British armies were sent out

    One was sent out to Pennsylvania and Ohio under Colonel Bouquet and the other to Great Lakes under Colonel Bradstreet
  • Pontiac signed Treaty

    Pontiac signed Treaty
    Pontiac signed a Treaty to bring peace between them and the British.
  • Pontiac's Death

    Pontiac's Death
    Pontiac was murdered by a Peoria Indian while visiting Illinois, this led to bitter warfare among the tribes, and the Peoria were nearly wiped out.