Latter-Day Church Established
The Church of Latter Day Saints was founded by Joseph Smith. He had a revelation that members of the Church should have multiple wives. -
The Manifesto of 1890
The president of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Wilford Woodruff signed the Manifesto of 1890 which outlawed future polygamy within the members of the Church of Latter Day Saints. -
The Hindu Marriage Act
The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 made Polygamy illegal for all Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. Muslims are allowed to have up to three wives legally. -
37.000 'Fundamentalists' Counted in and Near Utah
As many as 37,000 people in Utah and surrounding areas consider themselves so-called “fundamentalist” Mormons, even though many do not practice polygamy, according to a new census of such groups. -
Federal Judge claims Utah polygamy law unconstitutional
A U.S District Court Judge claimed the laws outlawing polygamy in Utah to be unconstitional. This would help to uncriminalize the practice of Polygamy in Utah. -
Utah researchers find polygamy harmful to families.
Multiple Utah researchers have found polygamy to be abusive to women and harmful to families. This issue has heated up as Utah has challenged a federal judge's decision to outlaw a portion of the state's bigamy law. -
Marriage Act 2014
On May 7th, 2014, the Marriage Act was signed into law in Kenya which made polygamy legal in the country. This marriage does not necessarily have to be approved by the wife.