poltical Developments of the Early Republic

  • washington become president

    washington become president
    George Washington was not sure he wanted to b president.The Amercian public greatly wanted him to be their first president. Washington wanted to make sure the office of President was respectded at home and abroad.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    Farmers was mad about the tax on whiskey. they was disrepectful to the federal government . They tarred and feather or seard with hot irons. George Washington put them down was state troops from several states. that was important because now the federal govnerment would be safe.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    In 1796 John Adams was elected the nation's second President by a slim margin.He had been a leader of the Revolution, had represented the United States in peace negotiations with Britain, ad had served as Vice President for two terms under President Washington. he was sided with the Federalists.
  • Alien and Sedition acts

    Alien and Sedition acts
    ti started when the france declared war against the Britain in 1793 . they was mad because President Washington and adams refused to take a side in the conflict. the pro-franch republicans launched some series attacks on the President
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    thomas jefferson was the third president. he was a repectful person . Jefferson view on government that it should be small, frugal, and limited in it’s power.
  • Marbury v. Maison

    Marbury v. Maison
    john Marshall declared that william marburydid indeed have a legal right to his commission and scoled Madison for withholding it. for the first time the power of the supreme court to strike down and act of comgress that violated the constitution to strike down duty of the supreme court to apply this superior law to the cases that come before it .
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    The year the Louisiana territory offered to the U.S was 1803. the country that offered was the france. Some of the feared for the future of the republic should so large a territory be added to the nation. Others worried that their own section’s power would be diluted if the nation were doubled in size.
  • embargo act

    embargo act
    the cause was that the american found them self in the middle on the britain and frech war. the embargo acts is Jefferson creates the embargo act stoping all foreign trade. the country had less money because they couldn't do foreign changes.