Period: to
poll tax time line
The introduction to the Poll tax: Passive ressitance
By 1990, the conservative government wanted to change the way the local governent was financed. The plan was to replace the exisiting rets system with a community charge, or 'poll tax, as it came to be called. This would be a tax on everyone over 18, with everyperson paying the same price! The new rates system was based on how many people were living in a building or a house insted of it being on what kind of home people were living in together! -
Poll tax protest trafalgar square: Active resistance.
The battle of Trfalgar square was devastating as this was where most voilence was taken place in London! At that start of the day, the protest was calm and seemed to be like a family occasion util later on it turned out to be be more vile than expected. There were many casualties. -
The end of the Poll tax: Public opinion
A week later after Thtchers fall, she was replaced by Jhn major as Prime Minister. After some debate over whether the poll tax could be reformed, The new prime Minister finnly announced that it would be replaced by a new counciltax. However until then, the poll tax would continues the new tax would not begin until 1993. As a result, the protests continued too.