politics timeline

  • 507 BCE


    Democracy develops in Athens, Greece. Government by whole population.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Senate

    Roman Senate
    The roman senate votes to give extraordinary dictorial powers to Octavian who then adopts the name augustus, essentially ending the Roman Republic- democracy vanishes for centuries.
  • Two Treaties of government

    Two Treaties of government
    John Locke writes two treaties of government. Liberal ideologies, Equality for all humans, equal treatment of individuals under the law.
  • Spirit of the Laws

    Spirit of the Laws
    Montesquieu explains the need for three branches of government. Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.
  • Iroquis League

    Iroquis League
    Federal organization of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Goverment organization for a purpose, management of resources,finacial oversight, national security.
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    Declaration of Indepence, creating the US Republic. People hold the power, representatives exercise the power.
  • Electoral college system

    Electoral college system
    George W. Bush wins first time of presidency due to US electoral college system. Body of electors picked by voters to elect the president and vice president of the US
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    Nation-State of Canada is created, Responisble government for the former colonies. Government responsible to the people, elected assembly instead of monarchy.
  • Secret Ballot

    Secret Ballot
    Canada first federal election with secret ballot. The votes are a secret.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Stalin takes over power in USSR. Stalin was a revolutionary and Soviet politicl leader, ruthless dictator.
  • Persons Case

    Persons Case
    Women are persons and deserve full rights. Constitutional ruling the right of women to be appointed by Senate.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Germany moves from democarcy to dictatorship. Empowering a person to take action and make regulations, rules and orders.
  • Suffrage

    First Nations in Canada get suffrage. Right to vote in political elections.
  • Majority Tyranny

    Majority Tyranny
    Soweto uprisings protest majority tyranny preventing black students getting education in their preferred language under apartheid. Group of people being treated unfairly, their situtation is different then most people in democratic society.
  • Triple E Senate

    Triple E Senate
    Reform party of Canada, key platform Triple E Senate. Senators to be elected to use effective power equally representatives of each province.
  • Referendum on the Charlotte town Accord

    Referendum on the Charlotte town Accord
    Special rights for the First Nations an Francophone Canadians, fails to pass. Vote by the electorate on single political question that was referred to them for direct decision.
  • Fixed Date Elections

    Fixed Date Elections
    Harper government passes Bill C-16, act to amend Canada Elections Act. Bringing Fixed Date Elections. Have elections occur on a more regular time and known by the public.
  • Scapegoat

    President of Zimbawe blamed UK for cholera outbreak in his country, making the UK a scapegoat. Being blamed for the wrong doings of others.