Period: to
What is Happening in our Government
in terms of politics -
Glasser v. United States
A supreme court case, that surrounded the issue of women serving on local juries. The cases was also known for jury tampering by Glasser, the right to an attorney, as well as allowing women serve on juries if they went through training. -
The Decline of the Second Party System
The decline started due to the debate of slavery. The ending of the Whigs and Know-Nothings was the most significant factor to the end. -
Thaddeus Stevens
Thaddeus Stevens was the leader of the radical republican parties, as well as the anti masonry party. Stevens was the representative Pennsylvania's 8th and 9th district, from 1849-1868 with a gap from 1853-1859 -
Bleeding Kansas
A series of violent political confrontations between the anti slavery supporters and the pro slavery supporters, after the approve of the Kansas Nebraska act. The confrontations took place of the border of Kansas which was also the border of North and South. -
Kansas Nebraska act
The act allowed popular sovereignty in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. -
Kansas Holds Referendum
The stated of Kansas holds a vote to decide slavery, as part of the Lecompton constitution. The votes past because the pro slavey group rigs election. President Buchan pushed for the passing of the bill and later helped Kansas become a state. -
The Lincoln v. Douglas debates
Several senatorial debates between Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, centered around the extension of slavery into the colonies. Douglas was pro white supremacy and Lincoln was pro equal rights. -
Kansas gets Admitted into the Union
Kansas with the help of president Buchan was admitted into the Union, along with the recently undone Locompton act in place. Congress will later vote on Kansas slave policies to be running under popular sovereignty. -
Democratic Fire Eaters
A southern democratic political party that strongly urged for sectionalism, and pushed for a new nation. The Fire Eaters led the secession of South Carolina. -
South Carolina Secedes
After Lincoln was elected the state of South Carolina met, and voted to secede from the union. The vote went 169 for seceding, and 0 against. This was the first time a state had officially seceded from the Union. Many southern states later made the same decision.