Johanne Wolfgang Van Goethe
Birth -
William Blake
Birth -
Mary Wollenstonecraft
Birth -
Industrial revolution begins
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Birth -
Lord George Byron
Birth -
"Metapmorphosis of plants" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
*no specific date; first major scientific work -
Start of the French Revolution
"A vindication of the rights of women" by Mary Wollenstonecraft
*no specific publification dates -
Percy Shelley
Birth -
"The Tyger" by William Wordsworth
Not preicse date but year is show -
John Keats
Birth -
Mary Wollenstonecrat death
"Lyrical Ballads" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
*no specfic date known -
"The Prelude" by William Wordsworth
Lyrical Ballads is published
Intresting to me because the book was published by wordsworth and coleridge and it was able to include the many thmes of the romantic movement which could have been very dangerous during the time period of limited speech from the people -
"Hours of Idleness" by Lord George Byron
Jose de Espronceda
Birth -
Edgar Allen Poe
Birth -
"Queen Mab" by Percy Shelley
*no specific publification dates -
"Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats
*no specific dates -
John Keats dies
Percy Shelley dies in boating accident
Lord Byron dies
Queen Victoris takes throne of England
Decline of the Romatic Movement begins -
"El Diablo Mundo" by Jose de Espronceda
*no specfic date of publification -
"The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe
*no specific date -
Wordsworth dies
Arthur Rimbaud
"Voyelles" by Arthur Rimbaud