Politics and Power

  • Period: Apr 22, 1491 to

    Period 1

  • Apr 22, 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
    Colmbus set sail for India and ended up finding America. This showd how much political power Spain had as it was able to have enough money to pay for an explorer
  • Apr 22, 1493

    Line of Demarcation

    Line of Demarcation
    Spain and Portugal were hving political issues of where each country's border began an ended. Each were political superpowers at the time so boundaries had to be set to prevent any fighting
  • Apr 22, 1524

    French Claims

    French Claims
    France first showed interest in exploration when they sponsored an italian navigator, Giovanni da Verrazano. This shows how France is introducing itself as a political power in the world by also going to america to claim so land along with Spain and Portugal.
  • Apr 22, 1565


    Under spanish control,most importantly St. Augustine. Which have Spain so power economically as they were able to monitor trading in the area.
  • Roanoke's Island Establishment

    Roanoke's Island Establishment
    Another English adventurer, Walter Raleigh, attempted to establish a permaneant establishment but failed. This attempt showed how Britain was trying to exert some political and economical power in america
  • Period: to

    Period 2

  • Dutch Claims

    Dutch Claims
    Hudson sailed up the river names after him, the Hudson River, and claimed the area that would be called New Amsterdam. This showed again how the Dutch were also trying to get some of america, even if it was by accident, to gain some politcal upperhand and some economical presence in the world.
  • Representative Assembly in Virginia

    Representative Assembly in Virginia
    The Virginia Company encouraged settlement in Jamestown by guaranteeing colonist the same rights as the residents of England, icluding representation in lawmaking processes. Allowing americans to represent hemeselves in political decisions that prior weren't granted to them
  • Slavery

    The americans showed their power over african-americans
  • Acts of Toleration

    Acts of Toleration
    In maryland they adopted religious toleration as persuaded by Calvert. This changed politics because now people in Maryland weren't lallowed to be punished because of their religion.
  • Acts of Trade and Navigation

    Acts of Trade and Navigation
    British exterted their political power into the economic affaris of
    America. This can be seen how Britain told america that they can only trade with america
  • Period: to

    Period 3

  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    This war showed the power struggle between the two major political powers in America, with Britains as the victor
  • The Albany Plan of Union

    The Albany Plan of Union
    The british government called for representatives from seven colonies as representatives to meet in congress. But each colony felt that they had their own power for taxation to accept the paln so the plan was never passed
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This law marked where americans could not settle past showing an abandonment of solitary neglect. Britain was now directly involved with Britain
  • Continetal Congress

    Continetal Congress
    The americans were tired of the unfair taxes that the British were putting on amricans. So american leaders came together in order to come up with a way to fight against the taxes. This showed how americans were starting to utilize their power they had, based on enlightenment ideas.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    Troops were sent to america from britain to show how america was still a colony of Britains therefore under the power of Britain. But americans beleived they still had unalienable rights so they started fighting and this when the American Revoltion began
  • Period: to

    Period 4

  • Jefferson's Presidency

    Jefferson's Presidency
    This was the first democratic-republican president and realized he must used his power to establish basic priciples of constitutional government. He was also a federalist, so he tried to use his political power in order to steer america's economy into a direction he thought was good, farming.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    France sold all of the mississippi river to america and though it was very controversal at the time Jefferson felt that is was his place as president to make the final decison. And with his political standing accepted the offer
  • Case of Marbury v Madison

    Case of Marbury v Madison
    This monumental supreme court case established the people rights that americans had. The case gave the supreme court the power for judicial review. Establishing the power the supreme court had
  • Decline of the Federalist Party

    Decline of the Federalist Party
    After the war of 1812 the federalist party started to decline this showed that the power still truly rest with the people as they were able to get rid of a political party because of political and social unrest.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    After so many political issues in europe Moroe believed the only way for america to survive as a nation is to stay out of foreign affairs. Reprenting how america is willing to lose so world power in order to survive as a properous nation.
  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    This arose when america annexed texas. There was a boundary dispute and the only way to fix it was by having a war. This established a poltical superiority between the two nations as america showed that they were willing to fight for what they believed in,
  • Period: to

    Period 5

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The government instilled an idea of american expansionism in the hearts of many americans . Showing that the american government could not change in response to society but also change the way society thinks.
  • Slavery's expansion

    Slavery's expansion
    THis happened from the 1850s-1870s as many felt that the governemnt shouldn't get into the way of economics. Msny southerners were por-slavery and were fearful of the governements power to change laws prohibiting slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act showed how the governemnt could use its power to benefeit more than one nation therefores keeping the peace and preventing any immediate problems
  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    Dred Scott v Sanford
    This controversila court case took away the basic rights promised to all americans and gave it to only white people. This showed how the goverment aboused its power and took away basic rights from an entire group of people
  • Secession of the South

    Secession of the South
    After major problems of the election of Lincoln the south felt that they had the right to break away from america and create their own country that suited they econmical wants. This would not go over well with the Union as they felt this was against the law therefore leading to the Civil War
  • Period: to

    Period 6

  • Emergence of Unions

    Emergence of Unions
    Many unions emerged as theyh felt that the government wasn't doing its job to protect workers.
  • Industrial Empires

    Industrial Empires
    Many monopolies emerged and they were not regualted by the governemnt. THey practiced a laissez faire approach to the economy for the worst as the governement didn't use its power to watch the monopolies
  • Assimilation

    Many americans were becoming xenophobic and one prgrss movement emerged to satisfy this. These poeple with the help of the government assimalate indians to amercan culture. Once again the government was absuing its power.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This act was created to prevent the immigration of many chinese. This showed how the US government would user and abuse its power to help the economy and to prevent social unrest from the working class.
  • The Dawes Severalty Act

    The Dawes Severalty Act
    This act showed that the US government was willing to right the wrongs of their pass by offering cheap land to the indians, but this was a forced movement and this would cause the creation of reserves for indians
  • Open Door Policy in China

    Open Door Policy in China
    This policy showed the US government's abandonment of its constituitional beliefs when it cam down to other countries and their people.
  • Period: to

    Period 7

  • Big Stick Policy

    Big Stick Policy
    This showed a shift in amercan government's power in the world and showed that america will do anything to preserve democracy in the world.
  • Trust Busting

    Trust Busting
    Theodore Roosevelt was one of the pioneer government official to start busting trust this increased his popularity and showed that the government was taking steps in order to help the people and the economy all at the same time.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    This represented another shift in america's foreign policies. This showed that america wasn't willing to fight to prederve democracy but finacially aid other nations.
  • Moral Diplomacy

    Moral Diplomacy
    This showed the final shift in america's foreign policies as they were willing to fight for another nation's right to help preserve the world's high moral standards
  • Neutrality

    Through most of history the US often times tried to stay out of forign affairs based on the Monroe Doctrine and Washington's farewell address. But when Wilson made the decision to go into WWI it showed another shifted in american politics. America was now entangled with europe's problems.
  • Period: to

    Period 8

  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    This bill was the first bill that promised to help any veterans after war. This stimulated the economy ans caused a postwar boom. This one of the first bill from the government that aided veterans showing that the government can make social changes that can help the economy. The government was taking initiative
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    It showed the US willingness to put themselves into economic harship in order to prevent the possible spread of a instuition that the americans saw as evil.Even though politically it slowed comminism's spread into europe it wasn't in america's place to do this nor was it economically smart to do so.
  • NATO's Creation

    NATO's Creation
    This plan was created by Truman in order to fight against communism. The US realized that they can't do everything by themselves as a nation therefore NATO was created as a safety net for themselves. This showed that in times of fear the US will abandon its orgianl morals in order to feel safe
  • Second Red Scare

    Second Red Scare
    The second red scare showed the US's abandonment of sense when it came down to fear. The government abused its power and accused people and even executed innocent people especially in the Rosenburg case.
  • Eisenhower's Doctrine

    Eisenhower's Doctrine
    This showed how the US realize that they can't avoid staying out of foreign affairs therefore the US will only help if it personally affects the US directly or indirectly. Basically this said the US will intervene in the case of communism
  • Period: to

    Period 9

  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    This led to general public's distrust of the government. This affair showed how the government was doing unlawful government practices, this showed that the US isn't all the benevolent as everyone thought and that it must be checked.
  • Economic Recovery Act

    Economic Recovery Act
    This shpwed that in the face of econmic uncertainty the US will always return to old policies. But what the US learns under Reagen is that you can't you use old tricks to fdix new problems which will later lead to the idea of Reagenomics
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    This was a pointless war as a result of yet again, american fear. The people were fearful of the spread of religious extremism and the aid of Russia in the area. This would lead to a pointless war where the US will risk many lives and dollars to fight something that isn't in their place to do
  • The Collapse of the USSR

    The Collapse of the USSR
    The collapse of the USSR will leave america as the only worldpower in the world. Giving the US the power to lead the world by however the US sees fit
  • 9/11

    This attack was the first time that the US got attacked on their own soil since Pearl Harbor, the US prior to this felt invinsible and never felt the true effects of war. This would lead to the lost of privacy for many innocent americans and the eventual increase of religious discrimination . This showed another continuity of the US taking away of rights when it came down war.