Political View Timeline

  • The Great Depression

    The worst economic disaster is US history. Led the american populace to embrace socialist democracy from FDR and the democrats in 1932
  • Pearl Harbor and WW2

    The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor infuriated Americans and saw backing up FDR's declaration of war, further garnering democratic support
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    This stand off between the US and the Soviet Union, which saw the Soviets back down and support gather around Kennedy and the democrats
  • The Vietnam War

    This costly war saw the end of the draft, and made the democrats appear as warmongers, leading them to support Nixon and the Republicans
  • Watergate

    The arrest of Nixon-connected robbers after breaking in to the DNC headquarters. This caused Nixon to resign and support for the republicans to collapse
  • September 11th attacks

    The terrorist attacks on the Word Trade Center an Pentagon shocked the country and world alike. these attacks brought tremendous support for the republicans under George W Bush