Political Timeline

  • 27 BCE

    The Roman Senate Votes to give Extraordinary (Dictatorial) Powers to Octavian Who Then Adopts the Name Augustus, Essentially Ending the Roman Republic - DEmocracy Vanishes for Centuries

    The Roman Senate Votes to give Extraordinary (Dictatorial) Powers to Octavian Who Then Adopts the Name Augustus, Essentially Ending the Roman Republic - DEmocracy Vanishes for Centuries
    His predecessor was Julius Caesar, and was named his adopted son and heir. He eventually led to the elimination of democracy for centuries.
  • 5 BCE

    Democracy Develops in Athens, Greece

    Democracy Develops in Athens, Greece
  • John Locke Writes Two Treatises of Government Outlining Some Liberal Political Ideals

    John Locke Writes Two Treatises of Government Outlining Some Liberal Political Ideals
    Locke wrote this book in 1669, but was anonymously published in 1689. The book describes his political theories about his conservative position.
  • Montesquieu Writes the Spirit of the Laws, Explaining the Need for the Three Branches of Government

    Montesquieu Writes the Spirit of the Laws, Explaining the Need for the Three Branches of Government
    Montesquieu writes about his political theories about having a Separation of Powers in the government. Specifically, having the judicial, legislative, and executive branches separate, so one branch does not have all the power.
  • Benjamin Franklin Writes to James Parker about the Federal Organization of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois League)

    Benjamin Franklin Writes to James Parker about the Federal Organization of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois League)
    Benjamin Franklin received inspiration about seperating from the British Crown from the Iroquois Confederacy. They worked together in harmony, and admired their will to be united.
  • The Continental Congress (Representing the Thirteen Colonies) Adopts the Declaration of Independence, Starting the Process of Creating the US Republic

    The Continental Congress (Representing the Thirteen Colonies) Adopts the Declaration of Independence, Starting the Process of Creating the US Republic
    The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to sever all ties with the British Crown. They created and amended the Declaration of Independence to cut off Britain.
  • The Nation-State of Canada is Created Through the Passage of the British North America Act, Providing Responsible Government for the Former Colonies

    The Nation-State of Canada is Created Through the Passage of the British North America Act, Providing Responsible Government for the Former Colonies
    The BNA Act helped create the constitution of Canada in 1867.
  • Canada Holds the First Federal Election to Have Secret Ballot

    Canada Holds the First Federal Election to Have Secret Ballot
    This vote was used to elect members for the House of Commons of the 3rd Parliament of Canada.
  • Lenin Dies, Opening the Door for Stalin to Take Power in the USSR (Leading to a Ruthless Dictatorship)

    Lenin Dies, Opening the Door for Stalin to Take Power in the USSR (Leading to a Ruthless Dictatorship)
  • The Persons' Case is Passed and Women Have Full Suffrage Rights

    The Persons' Case is Passed and Women Have Full Suffrage Rights
    After failing to be acknowledged by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Canadian Constitution, the "Famous Five" went to the Privy Council of England and won their case of having suffrage rights.
  • Hitler Passes the Enabling Act, Moving Germany From a Democracy to a Dictatorship

    Hitler Passes the Enabling Act, Moving Germany From a Democracy to a Dictatorship
    This Act was passed so that Hitler can pass laws without the power of the Reichstag. It was to last 4 years unless renewed by the Reichstag, which happened twice. It abolished most civil rights and transferred state powers to the Reich government.
  • World War II ends, which also ends American-Soviet Cooperation

    World War II ends, which also ends American-Soviet Cooperation
  • Truman Establishes the Marshall Plan to Contain Communist Expansion (Policy of Containment)

    Truman Establishes the Marshall Plan to Contain Communist Expansion (Policy of Containment)
    Containment was the United States President, Truman, trying to stop the spread of Communism after WWII, when the Soviet Union was taking extreme measures to influence countries around them.
  • Berlin Blockade and Consequent Airlift Increases Tension

    Berlin Blockade and Consequent Airlift Increases Tension
    This was one of the first major international crisis of the Cold War. The Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to parts of Berlin that were under the Western Allies' control. The Soviets offered to drop the block if they the Deutsche Mark from West Berlin. In response, they used planes to bring supplies overtop of the blockade.
  • Creation of NATO to Deter any Aggression from the Soviet Bloc

    Creation of NATO to Deter any Aggression from the Soviet Bloc
    In pursuit of some stability of economic and political control after WWII, the North American countries came together to create a treaty to help. The countries wanted security for their citizens through military cooperation.
  • Korean War Begins After the USSR Fails to Show up for a Veto in the UN, Starting the First Proxy War

    Korean War Begins After the USSR Fails to Show up for a Veto in the UN, Starting the First Proxy War
    This was a war between North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union and South Korea, with the support of the US. The war began when North Korea invaded South Korea, and the USSR could not veto the invasion because of their boycotting of the UN.
  • Creation of the Warsaw Pact as a Response to NATO Through Collective Security

    Creation of the Warsaw Pact as a Response to NATO Through Collective Security
    This treaty was signed in Warsaw, Poland with seven Soviet satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War for a collective defense. The Treaty was created in retaliation to Germany joining NATO.
  • Khrushchev Calls for Peaceful Co-Existence

    Khrushchev Calls for Peaceful Co-Existence
    This was adopted by the Soviet Union to peacefully co-exist with the Capitalist Bloc (the Allies). Khrushchev created this when tensions were high with the US during the possibility of the Nuclear War.
  • The Hungarian Uprising Demonstrates That the Warsaw Pact is not Ideologically Unified, but This Liberation Movement is Crushed by the Warsaw Pact Forces

    The Hungarian Uprising Demonstrates That the Warsaw Pact is not Ideologically Unified, but This Liberation Movement is Crushed by the Warsaw Pact Forces
    This Revolution was the first serious threat to the USSR since the annihilation of Germany at the end of WWII. A Revolution began, and soon the country was divided between the citizens and the AVH and Soviet Union Supporters. Soon, the uprising overthrew the government, declared they were going to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact, and created their own government in the meantime. Unfortunately, the Warsaw Allies quelled the rebellion and imposed their own communist government instead.
  • First Nations Peoples in Canada are Granted Suffrage

    First Nations Peoples in Canada are Granted Suffrage
    All registered First Nations were finally allowed the right to vote in 1960.
  • Berlin Wall is Built to Prevent Further Western Expansion in the Region

    Berlin Wall is Built to Prevent Further Western Expansion in the Region
    The wall as constructed by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) starting on August 13, 1961. It cut off Western Berlin from Eastern Berlin entirely, and has multiple traps and guard towers along the wall. One of the main reasons for the wall was to prevent massive emigration and defection.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Almost Leads to a Nuclear War Between the Superpowers Sue to Brinkmanship

    Cuban Missile Crisis Almost Leads to a Nuclear War Between the Superpowers Sue to Brinkmanship
    Between the US and USSR there were many threats and nuclear bombs placed in Cuba and close to the border of Russia. Both countries wanted the other to put stop, but led each other on in a political battle. Eventually, both leaders, Khrushchev and Kennedy, signed an agreement to stop the threats and removed their missiles.
  • The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is Signed

    The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is Signed
    This international treaty's main objectives are to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology, to promote the cooperation of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of nuclear disarmament.
  • The Prague Spring Ends When the Soviet Union Invades, Followed by the Brezhnev Doctrine

    The Prague Spring Ends When the Soviet Union Invades, Followed by the Brezhnev Doctrine
    The Prague Spring was the attempt at political liberalization from the Soviet Union's control in Czechoslovakia after WWII. They wanted rights to the citizens and a loosening of restrictions on the media, speech and travel around the country. The doctrine was announced to retroactively justify the invasions of multiple countries such as Czechoslovakia and Hungary. These invasions were meant to end liberalization efforts.
  • Vietnam War Ends, Demonstrating the Failure of Containment and the Domino Theory

    Vietnam War Ends, Demonstrating the Failure of Containment and the Domino Theory
    The Domino effect is the political theory of one country that is taken over by a communist government, will lead and influence to countries around it to turn communist; turning into a domino effect of communism. The US failed to stop a communist government to take over in Vietnam, and can be considered failure of containment. Containment is the strategy to stop the expansion of an enemy; in this case communism.
  • Helsinki Accords Provide a Degree of Detente During the Cold War

    Helsinki Accords Provide a Degree of Detente During the Cold War
    The Helsinki Accords were signed in Helsinki, Finland and were mainly created to reduce tension between the Soviet and Western blocs and securing their place internationally in post World War II. All countries in Europe, the United States, and Canada all signed the Accord. The 35 Nations that signed were asked to to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to cooperate in economic, scientific, humanitarian, and other areas.
  • The Soweto Uprisings in South Africa Protest the Majority Tyranny Laws that Prevented Black Students From Getting and Education in their Preferred Language Under the Apartheid Rules; Some Students Are Killed by the Police

    The Soweto Uprisings in South Africa Protest the Majority Tyranny Laws that Prevented Black Students From Getting and Education in their Preferred Language Under the Apartheid Rules; Some Students Are Killed by the Police
    Protesting began from the Afrikaans Medium Decree of 1974, which forced students to be taught 50-50 in Afrikaans and English. Estimates of 700 students of 20 000 had been killed by the police trying to stop it.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Leads to an Increase of Hostilities

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Leads to an Increase of Hostilities
    The Soviet government invaded Afghanistan to replace the existing communist government. The US provided aid to Afghanistan, and eventually the Soviet Union withdrew ten years later, and the Soviet-communist government eventually fell three years after that.
  • Solidarity Trade Union Organizes the Pro-Democracy Movement in Poland

    Solidarity Trade Union Organizes the Pro-Democracy Movement in Poland
    This was the first trade Union in a Warsaw Pact that was not led by a communist party. This was a huge socialist movement to help worker's rights, social change, and working protections. The government tried to stop the Union through imposing Martial law in Poland, but it only lasted a couple years, and following it was political repression. In the end, they were forced to cooperate with the Union. The US also helped support the Union with almost 50 million US dollars donated.
  • The Reform Party of Canada is created; One of Their Key Platforms is the Triple E Senate

    The Reform Party of Canada is created; One of Their Key Platforms is the Triple E Senate
    This Party existed from 1987-2000. It was founded for the voice of Western-Canadians and eventually became a popular Conservative Party. The party was initially created for democratic reforms and the widespread discontent for the Progressive Conservative Federal Government. They almost won the Federal Election of 1997, but lost unexpectedly, causing disappointment and questioning for the future.
  • Berlin Wall is Torn Down, a Year Later Germany is Reunified

    Berlin Wall is Torn Down, a Year Later Germany is Reunified
  • The Warsaw Pact is Dissolved, With Some Members Seeking to Join NATO

    The Warsaw Pact is Dissolved, With Some Members Seeking to Join NATO
    After 36 years, the Warsaw Pact is dissolved.
  • START is Signed to Reduce the Number of Nuclear Weapons being Treated as a Form of Deterrence

    START is Signed to Reduce the Number of Nuclear Weapons being Treated as a Form of Deterrence
    Named the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the Soviet Union and the US on the limitation of strategic offensive arms.
  • The Soviet Union Ceases to Exist, Effectively Ending the Cold War

    The Soviet Union Ceases to Exist, Effectively Ending the Cold War
    In 1991, the Soviet Union finally granted self-governance independence to the Republics of the Soviet Union.
  • The Referendum on the Charlottetown Accord, Which Would Include Special Rights for First Nations and Francophone Canadians, Fails to Pass

    The Referendum on the Charlottetown Accord, Which Would Include Special Rights for First Nations and Francophone Canadians, Fails to Pass
    This Accord was used to amend the Canadian Constitution to recognize Francophone's rights. The Accord was not passed when a few provinces refused to change it.
  • George W. Bush Wins His First Term as President of the US Without Winning a Majority of the Votes Due to the US Electoral College System

    George W. Bush Wins His First Term as President of the US Without Winning a Majority of the Votes Due to the US Electoral College System
    Bush won against Democratic nominee Al Gore. He was the 4th of 5 presidential elections where the winning candidate lost the popular vote.
  • President Mugabe of Zimbabwe Blames the UK for the Cholera Outbreak in his Country, Thus Making the UK a Scapegoat for the Problems Being Faced in his Country

    President Mugabe of Zimbabwe Blames the UK for the Cholera Outbreak in his Country, Thus Making the UK a Scapegoat for the Problems Being Faced in his Country
  • The Harper Government Passes Bill C-16, An Act to Amend the Canada Elections Act, which Brings in Fixed Dare Elections to Canada's Federal electoral System

    The Harper Government Passes Bill C-16, An Act to Amend the Canada Elections Act, which Brings in Fixed Dare Elections to Canada's Federal electoral System
    This Bill is intended to protect individuals from discrimination within the federal jurisdiction. They want to get rid of the hate propaganda, because of the consequence of their gender identity or their gender expression.