Political timeline

  • 470 BCE

    Democracy develops in Athens

    Democracy develops in Athens
    470 B.C.E. Athenian politician Pericles came to the scene and helped develop these ideas into a more substantial political system for the Athenians.Participation was not open to all residents: to vote one had to be an adult, male citizen i.e. neither a foreign resident, slave or a woman
  • 27 BCE

    Break down of the Roman empire

    Break down of the Roman empire
    The Roman senate votes to give dictatorial powers to Octavian who then adopts the name Augustus, essentially ending the Roman Republic- democracy vanishes for centuries.
  • John Locke writes two treaties of govt'

    John Locke writes two treaties of govt'
    laid the groundwork for representative democracy
  • Montesquieu writes the spirit of the laws

    Montesquieu writes the spirit of the laws
    his writing explained the need foe three branches of government. Government should be responsible for the people.
  • Ben Franklin writes about the organization of the Iroquois

    Ben Franklin writes about the organization of the Iroquois
    He saw the ways of the First Nations set up and wanted that set up. Later he galvanized colonial union and the fight for independence from the British.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration announced that the thirteen American colonies at war with Great Britain would now regard themselves as thirteen independent states no longer under British rule. With the Declaration, these states formed a new nation USA
  • Canada holds the first federal election to have secret ballod

    Canada holds the first federal election to have secret ballod
    secret ballots were held so the ection wouldn't be rigged or bought by the campaigners.
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    This legislation, passed by the British Parliament, created Canada as a new, domestically self-governing federation, consisting of the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec,
  • Lenin dies and Stalin takes power of the USSR

    Lenin dies and Stalin takes power of the USSR
    After the October Revolution, Stalin took military positions in the Russian Civil War and the Polish-Soviet War. Stalin was one of the Bolsheviks' chief operatives in the Caucasus and grew close to Lenin. After Lenin's death Stalin took control.
  • The Persons Act

    The Persons Act
    The famous five were a group of five women who wanted women to be seen as equal in the Canadian constitution. They spent most of their lives fighting for this right and when it was denied in Canada they went to Britain to fight there. It was accepted in Britain the the monarchy overthrow the Canadian gov't.
  • Hitler passes the enabling act (democracy to dictatorship)

    Hitler passes the enabling act (democracy to dictatorship)
    Constitution amendment that gave the German Cabinet – in effect, Chancellor Adolf Hitler the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag.
  • First nation people of Canada are granted suffrage

    First nation people of Canada are granted suffrage
    They were giving the rights to vote and more freedoms in Canada.
  • Soweto uprising in South Africa

    Soweto uprising in South Africa
    protests the majority tyranny laws that prevent black students from getting an education in their preferred language under the Apartheid rules; some students are killed by police.
  • The Reform Party of Canada

    The Reform Party of Canada
    The Reform Party of Canada was a right-wing populist federal political party in Canada that existed from 1987 to 2000. Reform was founded as a Western Canada-based protest movement and eventually became a populist conservative party, with strong social conservative elements.
  • Referendum on the Charlottetown Accord

    Referendum on the Charlottetown Accord
    The Charlottetown Accord of 1992 was a failed, joint attempt by the government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and all 10 provincial premiers to amend the Canadian Constitution, specifically to obtain Quebec's consent to the Constitution Act of 1982. The Accord would have also decentralized many federal powers to the provinces, and it was ultimately rejected by Canadian voters in a referendum. Meech lake accord was the First nations wanting similar rights as the french but it 1990.
  • George W. Bush becomes president

    George W. Bush becomes president
    When individuals cast votes in the general election, they are choosing electors and telling them whom they should vote for in the Electoral College. The "national popular vote" is the sum of all the votes cast in the general election nationwide.
  • Zimbabwe blames UK for cholera outbreak, making UK a scapegoat

    Zimbabwe blames UK  for cholera outbreak, making UK a scapegoat
    His ministers said the disease had been introduced to the country by the UK as part of a campaign of 'genocidal onslaught'. Government has blamed "biological warfare" waged by Britain for the cholera outbreak that has killed at least 800 people in Zimbabwe.
  • Harper Government passes Bill C-16 + Act to amend the Canada elections

    Harper Government passes Bill C-16 + Act to amend the Canada elections
    Bill C-16 was introduced to defend transgenders rights. Act to amend the canada elections act was fixed in include the transgenders in the amendment.