Jan 1, 1337
The Hundred Years War
The Hundred Years War was a large number of battles between England and France. This long war brought about new ways of warfare, nationalistic ideas, and political culture. It made the English less enthusiasm towards future wars. But the French gained a different perspective, they realized the importance of warfare to defend themselves against foreigners. The Hundred Years War brought about certain changes in British and French politics. -
The Thirty Years War
The Thirty Years War was a number of battles that left a huge mark in history. It induced in part the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and the fall of Hapsburg powers. Also, it took some of the central catholic power away making government more political and less religious.The Thirty Years War definetly made a political change in history. -
Habeas Corpus Act of Great Britain
The Habeas Corpus Act of Great Britain wasimportant in political history due to the fact that it was one of the first laws that were equal in both poverty and royalty. This rule showed the people that no one was above the law. It basically said that a person couldn't be punished unlawfully without a judge and court. This was significant because everyone was equal underthis law, which was a huge step towards equality for all. -
The American Revolution
The American Revolution was the war for the United States' independence. This was a complete and utter change in politics since the people of America wanted to seperate entirely from the British monarchy. This seperation would eventually lead to one of the first successfull democratic governments of that time. This is definetly a major political eventevent, perhaps the most important in the United States' history. -
The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a political upheavel that resulted in a complete change in the French government. Financial issues, social unrest, amd economic hardships forced the people of France to make a stand. They abolished feudalism and began to use a government style known as the New Regime. The French Revolution was a major political event in European history.