французской «Свободной школы политических наук»
В «Школе политических наук» в Нью-Йорке в Колумбийском колледже, Идея именно
такой политической науки была в значительной мере заимствовала из
европейской политологии, в первую очередь из опыта французской «Свободной школы политических наук», которая приняла первых студентов еще в 1872 г -
Period: to
The first generation of political scientist
mainly after the fashion of comparative history, establishing the early programs of political studies. -
«Школу политических наук».
в Нью-Йорке в Колумбийском колледже (позже ставшем
Колумбийским университетом) Джон Берджес основал «Школу политических наук». политическая наука представляла собой комбинацию политической философии, истории, географии, политической экономии, дипломатии, государствоведения и теории права. -
Political Science Quarterly published its first issue
Period: to
The second generation
(first world war)
setting up the APSA, consolidating collegial departments, and working out a sense of collective identity quite distinct from that of all other disciplines, such as history, economics, and sociology. -
Period: to
First decades of professional political science in the US
two scholars, Merriam and Catlin, took the lead in advocating the introduction of scientific methods and standards in the study of politics. Merriam's contribution was primarily programmatic, and promotional. He advocated, recruited personnel and funded a particular research program at the University of Chicago. He also was a founder of the Social Science Research Council. Catlin wrote on methodological questions, differentiating between history and political science. -
APSA was established
The American Political Science Association emerged from the American Economic and American Historical Associations -
APSA publishing the American Political Science Review
Third generation 1920-1940
the emphasis on science finally came of age, with aspiration turning more and more to practice, as older political scientists gave way to younger men better trained in the techniques of modern research.
steady flow of empirical research and descriptive studies, designed to enlighten first political scientists, -
The Political Scene 1920-1930
Authoritarian governments seemed everywhere on the march, and Americans were unprepared to confront them, either in theory or in practice.
The existence of modem authoritarianism embarrassed American liberals in two ways. On the one hand, it impressed upon them the fact that democracy had failed almost entirely to take hold in Europe after World War I.
democracy is a viable form of government under special circumstances?
the nation's institutions might be artificial rather than the model of a n -
Increasing Incidence of Behavioralism
In the 1920s we see increasing evidence that the study
of politics is becoming more scientific, with more
emphasis on theory and quantification. The leader of
this transition was Charles Merriam phenomenon variously called political behavioral
approach -
Period: to
The political Scene
Authoritarian governments seemed everywhere on the march, and Americans were unprepared to confront them, either in theory or in practice.
The existence of modem authoritarianism embarrassed American liberals in two ways. On the one hand, it impressed upon them the fact that democracy had failed almost entirely to take hold in Europe after World War I.
democracy is a viable form of government under special circumstances?
the nation's institutions might be artificial vs natural order of makind -
The Present State of the Study of Politics,Merriam
the introduction of psychological and sociological insights into the study of political institutions and processes, the introduction of statistical methods in an effort to enhance the rigor of political analysis. in the decades following at the University of Chicago, a research program on empirical research, quantification, and social-psychological interpretation. The scholars produced by this program constituted a substantial part of the nucleus of the post-World War "behavioral movement." -
Chicago School
Charles E. Merriam, chaired the
Department of Political Science from 1923- 1940.
The “Chicago School of Political Science,” was a voice for a science of politics, also was the most cohesive, productive, and influential contributor to the development of political science on a natural scientific model. "liberal political science" trend begins -
National Conferences on the Science of Politics 1923 to 1925
Were full of exhortations to produce scientific knowledge that would help to improve the quality of political life in America. As Merriam wrote, "unless a higher degree of science can be brought into the operations of government, civilization is in the very gravest peril from the caprice of ignorance and passion. -
The apparition of the term "political behavior"
Frank Kent, American journalist, published a book entitled Political Behavior, The Heretofore Unwritten Laws, Cusz
toms, and Principles of Politics as Practised in the United States.
he reports the way things "really" happen and not the way
they're supposed to happen. -
The Postulate of Rational Men
Liberalism's "most fundamental assumption," as Edward S. Corwin put it was the notion "that man is primarily a rational creature, and that his acts are governed by rational considerations." -
Scientific, Behavioral Analysis Takes Hold
Period: to
Nazis and 2 War
Strong infusion of European social science into the United States through refugees such as Paul Lazarsfeld,
Kurt Lewin, Marie Jahoda, Wolfgang Kohler, Hans Speier, Erich Fromm, Franz Neumann,
Otto Kircheimer, Leo Lowenthal, Franz Alexander, Hannah Arendt, Hans Morgenthau, Leo Strauss, and many others -
Book "Political Behavior: Studies in Election Statistics"
Herbert Tingsten rescued the term for political
science by publishing his work
Despite the fact that Tingsten was a Swede,
and his work dealt with European elections, the
term became increasingly identified with American
political science. -
Creation of the science of politics that became themainstream of the discipline during the 1950s and1960s
After World War II, the apostles of the Chicago
School—–those who pursued doctoral studies at
Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s—–moved to faculty
positions at leading universities around the United
States. -
социальный выбор и индивидуальны ценности. К. эрроу
экономическая теория демократии даунса
рационально инструментальный подход к изучению электорального поведения -
The behavorial revolution is gone.
Easton in the annual conference of the Apsa, said it, and open a new etap in the history of political science: postbehevorialism. -
flowering "liberal political science" trend
in the United States -
понятие неоинституционализма. Марчем и Олсеном
Period: to
время синтеза, взаимовлияния американской и европейской традиции политического анализа