
Political Reform

  • Black Code

    Black Code
    Black Codes were any laws that enacted to unsure white supremancy. The Black Codes had thier roots in the slave codes that had formely been in effect. The premise behind chattel slavery in America were that slaves were property,and as such they had few or no legal rights. The Black Codes enacted immediatley after the American Civil War.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Jim Crow laws were put into place in 1877. They were prodominately directed to Black African Americans in the South. Jim Crow Laws were laws that enforced racial segregation in the south between whites and "people of color." They ended when the CIvil Rights Movement began in the 1950's.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    [plessy vs ferguson video](http:// In May,18,1896 the case Plessy vs. Ferguson resulted in the seperate but equal law being created. This case was the first major review of the meaning of the 14th amendments equal-protection section. After looking over the amendment, the court came to the agreement of "seperate but equal" laws for whites and blacks.
  • Civil Disobendience

    Civil Disobendience
    Civil Disobedience started from 1900's all the way to now. Civil Disobedience means the refusal to obey demands by the goverment or any type of power. For example, Rosa Parks sat and refused to get up for a white male on the bus,so she was prosecuted.
  • National Associsiation for the advacement of colored people

    National Associsiation for the advacement of colored people
    The NAACP is the nations oldest civil rights organaztion, created in 1909.
  • Neutrality Act of 1935

    Neutrality Act of 1935
    It was passed becasue people wanted to stay neutral and didnt want to listen to the governement.
  • Voting

    There was a civil rights in Washington D.C. and the events and speeches delivered empowered african americans
  • CIvil Rights Act of 1964

    CIvil Rights Act of 1964
    Civil RIghts Act 1964 was approved july 2.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    Lydon B JohnsonLyndon B. Johnson was the 36th president and signed the civil rights act in 1964. He became president in 1963-1969. He was originallly a leader in the United States Senate. He was a Democrat, he died on January 22,1973 in San Antonio, Texas.
  • John Lewis

    John Lewis
    He was a storng leader for voting rights for african americans.
  • Citations

    Neutrality Act
    "Franklin D. Roosevelt." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. < Civil Disobedience
    "civil disobedience." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
    Jim Crow Laws Jim Crow law. Photograph. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. "Jim Crow laws." Britannica School. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 20