Period: to
Abolition movement
A) The Abolition movement was people trying to abolish slavery in the U.S. it began with most states north of the Ohio river abolishing slavery and ended with the emancipation acclimation being singed and the civil war.
B) The abolition movement is significant because it got rid of slavery. it relates to the theme as many people got politically involved with the discussion. -
Period: to
Second great awakaning
A)Protestant religious revival during the early 19th century in the United States. The Second Great Awakening reflected Romanticism characterized by enthusiasm, emotion, and an appeal to the super-natural. It rejected the skeptical rationalism and deism of the Enlightenment.
B) members of the movement began movements aimed at reforming society, they became more active in politics and brought the issues they were facing in to the public eye. -
Seneca falls convention
A) the first women's rights convention. Female Quakers local to the area organized the meeting along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton. the decoration of sentiments was written for it. B) It was the first of its kind and got many people involved in the cause. it made the issue more public and got more people involved. -
Period: to
Knights of Labor
A) The largest workers organisation, at its peak having almost 20% of the workforce. it fought for better rights and conditions for workers. at some points acting as a union. it was poorly organised and after its peak it quickly lost most of its members.
B) It is important because workers today benefit form the things it accomplished. it also got a huge number of workers politically involved. -
Great railroad strike 1877
A) Railroad workers strike in response to yet another pay cut. because of other pay-cuts and condition's other workers around the U.S. also wen to strike. they were widespread and in many cases only ended with the use of federal troops.
B) this is important because the workers got slightly improved treatment and conditions as a result. it got a lot of workers involved politically with the act of striking for better conditions and pay. -
Haymarket Affair 1886
A) the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration. It began as a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour day and in reaction to the killing of several workers by police. An unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at police as they acted to disperse the public meeting. 8 people were convicted
B) It was significant because it influenced the state of labor in illnesses. it started with people being politically involved and brought a lot of attention to it. -
Period: to
Progressive era
A) a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States. goals included eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government. B) it was important because it made people want to be more involved in government and changed people expectations of their government. -
Period: to
A) A agrarian-populist political party in the United States, a major left-wing force in American politics. was very critical of capitalism and later merged with the democrats. B) It was a party composed mainly of farmers and allied with the labor movement. it relates because it got a lot of people involved with politics and made their feeling known. -
Pullman strike
A) A nation wide strike organised by the ARU against the Pullman company. a boycott accompanied the strike and together they shut down much of the nations freight infrastructure. B) The strike had a lot of people and a union politically involved as well as the people enacting the boycott. it was a turning point for U.S. labor laws. -
Pure food and drug act
A) consumer protection laws. enacted to regulate and inspect food and regulate the drug market. made things more consumer frendly B) led to the creation of the FDA and highlighted food safety and customer protection laws. -
17th Amendment
A) Established that senators are elected by popular vote B) This allowed people to be more directly involved in the government. and was important because it gave people more power in government -
Clayton Antitrust act
A) Added more to the existing U.S. antitrust laws, sought to prevent anti competitive practices and implemented a 3 tier system for enforcing them. B) It was important because it built on earlier laws and made things better for consumers. people were politically active because monopolies and trusts were making things very bad for them. -
18th Amendment
A) established the prohibition of alcohol. it was the result of many people wanting scociety to be more pure and free of vices. B) this got people involved with politics because they wanted the 18th amendment gone or wanted it to stay. this caused people to become more active. it is important because it was a huge step in the direction of government having more power over peoples lives. -
19th Amendment
A) Prohibited states from denying anyone to vote on the basis of sex. this amendment gave women the right to vote across america
B) this was important because it nearly doubled the amount of people able to participate in politics. this made people much more involved and likely to participate. -
Scopes trial
A) A trail between the state of Tennessee and a substitute teacher. he was accused of teaching evolution which was agents the law at the time. the trial was very high profile B) It got a lot of people to participate, and was important because it brought the laws into question. lots of people got involved in the trial.