Political events - United Kingdom (1930-90)

  • Stock Market crash

    A marking date in the Western World. In the United Kingdom, it cristalised the failures of the Conservative government to deal with social and economical issues.
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    Great Depression

    Triggered by the stock market crash in the US in 1929, the Great Depression would hit the United Kingdom as it had just recovered from the economical impact of WWI.
    The GD would manifest itself with a drop of the sterling value and a dramatic increase of unemployment.
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    Trade War

    Economical conflict between Ireland and Great Britain. It was partly caused by de Valera's - Ireland's Taoiseach - policy of enforcing Irish sovereignty and thwart British influence in Irish economics and politics.
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    Deeply involved in the Second World War, Great Britain and the UK would suffer from its human and economic consequences years after it was over.
    It also marked a change in the shape of British politics, new parties were involved in the parliament and the demands of the electorate shifted towards personal interest rather than imperial expansion.
  • Resignation of Chamberlain - election of Churchill as PM

    After suffering from a number of misjudgment and a lack of support in the parliament, Chamberlain was led to resign.
    Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, was designated as PM.
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    Decline of the British Empire

    After WWII, nations involved in the British Empire sought independence. The spearheads of this movement were Ireland and India. The departure of India might have had a greater impact than the latter on the decision of other Asian or African colonies to leave as well.
    The decline of the Empire also meant a change in self perceived nationalist identity within Great Britain - Northern Ireland being a special case.
  • General Elections - End of National Government

    Clement Attlee, Deputee to the PM during WWII was elected during the 1945 GE. It coincided with the end of the war and a major feeling of repeal towards the Conservative Party, which had failed to deal with economic and social issues during the interwar period.
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    Marshall Plan

  • Creation of the OEEC

    The OEEC, Organisation of European Economic Cooperation, was meant to facilitate economic support of European countries by the US.
    In parallel to this, a similar organisation was set up by the Soviet Union. The two organisations were first representations of the East-West confrontation that were to come during the Cold War.
  • Ireland Act 1949

    Passing of an act recognising the Republic of Ireland, as well as its departure from the Commonwealth and the end of its status as a British dominion. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo6/12-13-14/41/enacted
  • Indian Independence Act

    Shortly after the declaration of the Republic of Ireland, India was declared independent. The British government had agreed to grant independence to the territory and partitioned colonised India in Pakistan, India, which would be independent dominions. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo6/10-11/30
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    Focusing on consumer goods, production and acquisition, British society underwent profound changes during the 1950-60 period, which would eventually lead to the cultural revolution of the 1960s.
  • Suez Crisis

    Willing to recover the Suez Canal, the British, Israeli and France armies tried to militarily seize it. In fact, Nasser, President of Egypt, had recently nationalised the canal, hence contradicting British and Israeli interests.
  • Heath-Pompidou Agreement

  • Northern Ireland (Temporary Provisions) Act

    Implemented to deal with the resurgence of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, this act established measures such as internment without trial. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1972/22/enacted?view=plain
  • The UK joins the Common Market

    After long negotiations and reluctance from the British government and from the French government in particular, the UK was finally granted the autorisation to be part of the EU.
  • Referendum confirms Britain's entry into Europe