Political events - Ireland (1930-90)

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    Trade War

    Economical conflict between Ireland and Great Britain. It was partly caused by de Valera's policy of enforcing Irish sovereignty and thwart British influence in Irish economics and politics.
  • Irish constitution

    Declared under the government of de Valera. It got rid of the remaining presence of the British government in the Irish one. https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/cons/en/html
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    Irish neutrality solidified its status as a sovereign and independent nation.
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    Marshall Plan

    Application of the Marshall Plan, carried out by the US, in Ireland.
  • General Elections

    Marked by the rise of Clann na Poblachta, this GE was called for by de Valera, then Taoiseach after having increased the number of seats in parliament.
    Most importantly, the '48 GE were marked by the election of the first inter-party government. Composed of Fine Gael, CnP and the Labour Party. Costello would be the leader of the new government, the new Taoiseach.
  • Declaration of the Republic of Ireland

    Declaration of the new status of Southern Ireland by Costello, later passed in the Dáil Éireann under the Republic of Ireland Act.
    It also meant the withdrawal of Ireland from the Commonwealth. https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1948/act/22/enacted/en/html
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    Northern Ireland Troubles

    Caused by sectarian issues, the Troubles resulted in civil unrest.
    Most casualties were the result of attacks on civilians, either through bombing, assassination or shooting. Those operations were carried out by nationalist groups, either Republican or Unionist.
    The Troubles triggered a civil war situation after a march against internment was undermined and attacked by the RUC in Derry-Londonderry. It culminated when British troops were deployed in the province.
  • Special Powers Act

    Meant to stop the ever growing violence and unrest in NI, the Special Powers Act was implemented. It established internment without trial, amongst other martial-like measures.
  • Ireland joins the European Union

    After being kept from adhering to the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community by French President De Gaulle, Ireland could finally enter the Union in 1973.
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    Celtic Tiger

    Period of rapid economic growth fueled by foreign investment.
  • Good Friday Agreement

    This agreement was the result of a referendum carried out in the North and the South of Ireland.
    It established institutions that re-established the connection between the northern and southern governments. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1034123/The_Belfast_Agreement_An_Agreement_Reached_at_the_Multi-Party_Talks_on_Northern_Ireland.pdf