Political Causes of The Civil War

  • Decrease in Whigs

    Decrease in Whigs
    As the republican party rose in popularity the Whigs decreased which didn't help the south because the republicans didn't like slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This was an Act passed by the government that allowed the citizens of Kansas to vote on whether slavery should be allowed in Kansas or not. This led to years of debates and even led to people getting killed because of where they stood on the issue.
  • Abraham's Election

    Abraham's Election
    Lincoln was elected which led to the growth of the republican party, which didn't approve of slavery.
  • The rejection of Crittenden Compromise.

    The rejection of Crittenden Compromise.
    The South wanted to protect slavery from federal interference, which was approved, and they also wanted to expand slave states all the way to California, which wasn't approved. So the bill wasn't passed.
  • States Rights

    States Rights
    The South felt that the Federal Government was taking away the rights and powers of the states.
  • Expansion of Slavery

    Expansion of Slavery
    The Southern states wanted to expand slavery into parts of Mexico and to western America, but Abraham Lincoln disagreed with the expansion of slavery
  • First Secession

    First Secession
    South Carolina seceded from the union that led other southern states to secede.
  • Slavery

    There was a big difference on opinions on slaves between the North and South, which when added to a republican president led to the main cause for secession and the civil war.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    The South attacked Fort Sumter as an answer to Abraham's demand that they either rejoin the union or face war.