
  • Truman Doctrine

    Presidents Truman form of support to help countries resist communism or fight against it.
  • Cold War

    Non attacking political battle between America and Russia. They both wanted to expand their views on the world and as a result had communism and democracy on the line.
  • Marshal Plan

    Another Attempt by president Truman to help countries fight against communism. He would support countries economically and not only military support.
  • McCarthyism

    Joseph McCarthy was a huge contributor to the fear of communism in the United States. He would accuse US Government officials of communism
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act was originally legislated by JFK and was not passed until his assassination. Lyndon B Johnson pushed for legislation.
  • Presidential Election of 1968

    Robert Kennedy ran against Nixon but lost due to the lack of a strong democratic candidate which led to Nixon winning presidency.
  • Vietnam War 1955-1975

    Fear of spreading communism, the US intervened and helped South Vietnam fight North Vietnam to stop the spread of Communism.