Election of George Washington
Hamilton's Financial Plan
Hamilton's Financial Plan created a national bank for the United States, paid off all of its debts, and established tariffs to increase revenue. Hamilton’s financial plan gained revenue mainly from tariffs, which set an example for many times in the future, for example, the tariffs we have placed on products from China. -
Whiskey Rebellion (Start)
The Whiskey Rebellion was a response to Hamilton's tax on Whiskey to increase national revenue. Unlike Shays’ Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion showed that the government was strong, as it easily thwarted the rebellion, showing its strength. -
Whiskey Rebellion (End)
George Washington used force to stop the Whiskey Rebellion, showing that he would enforce federal laws. The Whiskey Rebellion showed that Washington was willing to use force to enforce federal laws. Unlike the Shays’ Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion showed that the government was strong, as it easily thwarted the rebellion, showing its strength. -
Washington's Farewell Address
Washington’s Farewell Address advised people not to form political parties and to not form permanent ties with other countries, in other words, to not be reliant on other countries. This was the final thing that Washington did before he retired, and many presidents try to follow his advice from this address. Washington's farewell address prevented the US from forming any permanent ties with other countries. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act was an act passed by Thomas Jefferson in response to France and Britain attacking American merchant ships. The act stopped all trade with European countries. This hurt the US economy more than Britain and France's because the US relied heavily on them for goods, while they did not rely on the US as much. This act is different from Hamilton’s financial plan because it increased revenue, but the Embargo Act was revenge against the British for attacking American ships. -
Jefferson Prohibited the Slave Trade
This permanently banned the slave trade and made America unable to constantly increase the number of slaves in their country. The banning of the slave trade was similar to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation because both policies were meant to reduce or completely eradicate slavery in the United States. The banning of the slave trade broke the US's tie with African countries. -
Non-Intercourse Act
The Non-Intercourse Act replaced the Embargo Act, which hurt American economy. This act stopped trade with only France and Britain, not all European countries. This allowed America to keep trading with most European countries and to remain neutral in the war. -
Election of Andrew Jackson
Tariff of Abominations
The Tariff of 1828, or the Tariff of Abominations, was a very high protective tariff that was made to protect the Northern Industry, but made the South suffer. The tariff of abominations continued to follow Hamilton’s financial plan, but to the extreme, as the tariff was extremely high, and went up to 50% at times. The tariff of abominations was also closely related to the Morrill tariff as they both made the South suffer and both had little to no effect on the North. -
Jackson's War on the Bank
Jackson thought that the national bank favored the rich, was unfair, and unconstitutional, so he started a campaign to destroy it. He thought that the national bank was a violation of the tenth amendment. Jackson’s war on the national bank was the complete opposite of Hamilton’s financial plan. Also, the war on the bank is controlling corporations, like the Square Deal, and also protects consumers by eliminating the unfairness of the bank. -
Election of Abraham Lincoln
Morrill Tariff
The Morrill Tariff was a tax on imported goods, which mainly affected the South. This crippled the South's economy. This did not affect the North as much because they were able to manufacture their own goods. The Morrill Tariff was similar to Hamilton’s financial plan because it established tariffs in order to increase US revenue. This tariff also angered the South, like the tariffs. The Morrill tariff was also similar to the trade war because both tariffs increased revenue. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Slavery was banned from the United States. The South’s economy had to change because they relied mainly on slave trade and slave labor. The Emancipation Proclamation is similar to Jefferson abolishing the slave trade because both policies tried to get rid of slavery, and they both had similar effects on the economy because of this. This relates to Washington’s Farewell Address because getting rid of a main problem between the two groups of people brought the North and the South together. -
Roosevelt Becomes President
Coal Strike
140,000 coal miners went on strike because of low wages and bad working conditions. This had a heavy toll on the economy, so Roosevelt said he was going to replace the workers with soldiers if things didn't come to an agreement. The coal strike is loosely related to the Nullification Crisis as this event resulted in Jackson forcing the state of South Carolina to pay a tariff. The coal strike also relates to the Whiskey Rebellion, as in both events, the federal government showed its power. -
Square Deal
3 C’s of Square Deal
Control of Corporations
Consumer Protection
Conservation of Natural Resources The square deal balanced power between trusts and labor.
The Square Deal is related to Trump’s America First Economic Plan because both policies put the American economy above everything else. The Square Deal was like Hamilton’s financial plan because like how Hamilton’s financial plan was meant to improve the US economy, the Square deal was meant to protect the US economy. -
Election of Donald Trump
America First Energy Deal
The America First Energy Plan was the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement (PSA). Trump thought that by withdrawing from the agreement, oil sales in the US would go up. This recovered oil sales from its 13-year low.
The America First Energy Plan is similar to Washington’s Farewell Address, as Trump cut ties with other countries in the PSA to benefit our country. This is also similar to Roosevelt’s Square Deal because both policies put the economy of the US above anything else. -
Trade War with China
The trade war on China was comprised of rising tariffs that eventually reached 25%. This would make companies stop producing goods in Chinese factories and instead move manufacturing to the US. The Trade War follows the advice of Washington’s Farewell Address, as Washington stated that our country should not be reliant on others. Trump saw that we were relying far too much on China for goods, and decided that increasing tariffs on China would help decrease said reliance on China. -