American Police

  • US Marshals

    US Marshals
    US Marshals from Colorado.
  • First US Police Department

    First US Police Department
    First US Police Force formed in 1838 in Boston.
  • First Police Dog

    First Police Dog
    First Police K9 used in France
  • First Police Vehicls

    First Police Vehicls
    First electric police vehicle in Akron, Ohio.
  • First Female Police Officers

    First Female Police Officers
    Marie Owens, Alice Stebbins, and Leola King.
  • First African American Cop

    First African American Cop
    Samuel Jesse Battle
  • Motorcycle Cops

    Motorcycle Cops
    First Motorcycle cops rode Harleys
  • First Hand Cuffs

    First Hand Cuffs
    First metal handcuffs
  • First Mass Murder

    First Mass Murder
    Police used tear gas to force shooter to after he shot 13 people
  • First AR for Police use

    First AR for Police use
    Arma Lite MAde Fisrt AR
  • First swat team

    First swat team
    First Swat team in Philadelphia Police Force
  • First Police Tazer

    First Police Tazer
    First tater was developed in the 19702 by tom a swift
  • First Police dive team

    First Police dive team
    First Police dive team created
  • US Police shootings total

    US Police shootings total
    Us had 59 fatal shootings in 24 days while Wales and England had 55 in past 24 years.
  • Firearme Training

    Firearme Training
    Spend 110 hours for firearm training