1500 BCE
Polynesia expansion
the Lapitia people spread across Polynesia at this time, Egypt captures Nubia and a Battle of the Ten Kings -
1000 BCE
polynesian expansion
the Laptia people spread across Polynesia at this time, David becomes king of the ancient United Kingdom of Israel
Zhou Mu Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China -
polynesian expansion
Polynesians settle the Marquesas and the Hawaiian islands at this time the roman empire ordered a massive persecution of Christians
Persecution decreased in the Western and Eastern Roman Empire -
Polynesian expansion
Polynesians settle in Easter Island at this time the Chinese invented gunpowder -
Polynesian expansion
Polynesians arrive in New Zealand around this time Chinese "perfected" gunpowder, The Viking Biarni Heriulfsson sights North America after being blown off course -
Polynesia expansion
large permanent settlements begin to be built at this time Martin Luther is born and Columbus starts his first voyage -
Polynesian expansion
the Moa bird becomes extinct, forcing the Maori to alter their life style, at this time Galileo sees the moons of Jupiter for the first time -
Polynesian expansion
Captain James Cook arrives in New Zealand, around this time the british Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies. -
Polynesia expansion
the voyage of the Hokule'a recreates the 10,000 km sea voyage between Hawaii and Tahiti 6 year early the human moon landing occured.