2000px pokémon go logo.svg

Pokemon Go

By MartinJ
  • John Hanke

    John Hanke
    Studied programming and has extensive gaming knowledge. founder of Keyhole and Niantic. He and the company Niantic have created Pokemon go, wizards united, and many other sucessful ar games
  • Keyhole inc.

    Keyhole inc.
    Founded by John Hanke. a spacial data visualization company.
  • google acquires keyhole inc.

    google acquires keyhole inc.
  • Hanke at google

    Hanke at google
    While Hanke stayed at google, he was leading google maps and google earth
  • Niantic founded

    Niantic founded
    Niantic is formed by keyhole inc. while inside google, though niantic worked independently.
  • Niantic separates from Google

    Niantic separates from Google
  • Pokemon go funding

    Pokemon go funding
    raises $30 million from Google, Nintendo, and Pokemon. Money was used for such things as servers.
  • Pokemon go first ad

    Pokemon go first ad
    The world first learned of Pokémon Go from the Pokémon games' first-ever Super Bowl ad in January 2016.
  • Pokemon go comes out

    Pokemon go comes out
    Due to high-demand, on the first day the servers crash
  • Period: to

    pokemon go timeline

  • Results of Pokemon go after release

    Results of Pokemon go after release
    People spend an average of 43 minutes on Pokemon go. Which means they are walking about 43 minutes a day! Fun and health!