The Price family decides to travels to the Congo
The Price family moves to the Congo to spread Christianity. Nathan Price forces them to go. Pg.5 -
Nathan refuses to carry any physical luggage
This shown how focused Nathan was on his mission. "Fourty-five founds of luggage and not an iota more." - Leah Price pg.14 -
Orleanna sees the Okapi
"Mearly real, not legend. Some manner of a beast, a horseshoe gazelle, relative of the giraffe" - Orleanna Price pg.7 -
Ruth May teaches the children Mother May I
Ruth May easily makes friends in the Congo by introducing the children to Mother May I. Pg.111 -
Adan almost gets eaten by a lion
"He had seen the marks of the little girl who drags her right foot, and the lion tracks, very fresh, covering over her footprints." - Adah Price pg.140 -
Ruth May gets sick
She gets Maleria from a mosquito bite. Pg.241 -
Nathan calls Jesus Bangala
He thinks this mean Jesus is precious; however, it means Jesus is Poisonwood. Pg.276 "That one word brought down father's sermons every time, as he ended them with the shout Tata Jesus is Bangala." - Leah Price -
The ants attack
The ants attack the village the Price family lives in forcing them to evacuate. Pg. 299 -
Orleanna chooses Ruth May over Adah
"Curved into the permanent song of my body: left... Behind." - Adah Price pg. 300 -
Leah hurts for her family... Even when Nathan doesn't want her to.
"Which nobody listened to because they were all jazzed up about a girl wanting to hunt with the men." -Rachel pg. 337 -
Orleans stands up to Nathan.
Orleanna stand up to Nathan once and for all. Pg. 382 -
Ruth May dies
"When I get out of bed every morning, at least I'm still alive and not dead like Ruth May."- Rachel
"Her final gasp of air as hungry as a baby's first breath."- Adah pg. 365 -
The girls leave Nathan
Orleanna, Adah, Leah, and Rachel leave Nathan and the Congo. Pg. 380 -
Orleanna and Adah go back to America.
Orleanna and Adah go back to America while Rachel and Adah stay behind. Pg.390 -
Rachel gets married to Axelroot.
Pg. 402 -
Adah enters medical school.
Pg. 408 -
Leah and Anatole get married.
"It's a bleak anniversary in our house hold. I killed a snake this morning, just whacked it into piece with my machete."- Leah pg. 429 -
Adah is cured of her disability.
"I am still Adah but you would hardly know me now, without my slant." Pg.492 -
Nathan dies
Nathan is chased up a watch tower, and the watch tower is burned down, killing Nathan. Pg 419 -
Orleanna hears Ruth May's voice as Ruth May forgives Orleanna.
"Mother be still, listen, I can see you leading your children to the water, and you call it a story of ruin."- Ruth May pg. 537