Q 11586

Poison Gas in 1920s

  • The First Time to Use Poison Gas

    The First Time to Use Poison Gas
    French begin using tear gas in grenades and Germans retaliate with tear gas in artillery shells.
  • Fight Back in The Same Way

    Fight Back in The Same Way
    Three months later, on 31 January 1915, tear gas was employed by the Germans for the first time on the Eastern Front.
  • The First Significant Use of Poison Gas

    The First Significant Use of Poison Gas
    Germans attack the French with chlorine gas at Ypres, France. This was the first significant use of chemical warfare in WWI.
  • Battle of Loos

    Battle of Loos
    First British chemical weapons attack; chlorine gas is used against Germans at the Battle of Loos.
  • Mustard Gas

    Mustard Gas
    I.G. Farben created a new gas initially called “Yellow Cross” by German artillerymen. Yellow Cross was more lethal than anything that had come before. This gas, dichlorethyl sulphide came to be known as “mustard gas.”
  • The First Time German Used Mustard Gas

    The First Time German Used Mustard Gas
    The Germans used mustard gas for the first time during war in 1917.
  • The First Major Use of Gas Against American

    The First Major Use of Gas Against American
    Germans launch the first projectile attack against US troops with phosgene and chloropicrin shells. The first major use of gas against American forces.
  • Fist US Use of Gas in Warfare.

    Fist US Use of Gas in Warfare.
    Fist US use of gas in warfare.
  • Chemical Warfare Service.

    Chemical Warfare Service.
    The US begins its formal chemical weapons program with the establishment of the Chemical Warfare Service.
  • Temporary Blindness of Hitler

    Temporary Blindness of Hitler
    In one attack on October 14, 1918 Adolf Hitler would be temporarily blinded by a British attack against the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment.
  • Casualties in World War I

    Casualties in World War I
    World War I - the use of chemical agents in WWI caused an estimated 1,300,000 casualties, including 90,000 deaths.