poiltcal corruption

  • political bosses

    political bosses
    political leaders got people to vote for them by giving favors and job to the people that where not as qualified. business payed them to keep the city government out of there business. William W. Tweed is one of the most known political bosses
  • Millionaires club

    Millionaires club
    the corruption on the national level.the senate became know for the millionaires club because they got rich on money from big business.
  • Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

    Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
    in 1883, the law was passed which established that positions within the federal government should be awarded on the basis of qualifications in instead of political party.
  • reforming voting

    reforming voting
    they took the power and gave it back to the people reforming the election. they all voted in secret ballot private booth a recall to remove a elective, referendum, a law passed on a ballot passed by voters.
  • governor Robert La Follette

    governor Robert La Follette
    Big business controlled government. governor made laws to control big business like the railroads
  • Corruption and Reform

    Corruption and Reform
    in new york city artice show the Railroaders controlled the state legislature and dictated how the state should be run