
By Jfeine1
  • Pocahontas was born in Virginia

    Pocahontas was born in Virginia
    She was born to the chief of the Algonquian Indians
  • The English arrived in Virginia

    Set up a settlement they called Jamestown
  • Pocahontas saves John Smith from execution

    She threw herself on top of John Smith to save him
  • A fire burns through Jamestown

    Pocahontas delivers food to Jamestown.
  • John Smith is captured

    By the Powhatans.
  • Pocahontas warns John Smith that Powhatan has ordered his death

    Came to him in the middle of the night to tell him of an ambush.
  • John Smith is injured

    He was injured by a spark from a crew member's pipe that lit his gunpowder.
  • Pocahontas is captured by Captain Argall

    Held hostage at Jamestown.
  • Pocahontas is baptized

    In the chruch at Jamestown.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe are married

    at the chruch.
  • Pocahontas gives birth to a son

    Named, Thomas Rolfe.
  • The Rolfes sails to England

    To win support for the virginia colony.
  • Dies in Gravesend, England

    Of Tuberculosis.