
By 191372
  • Period: to

    Time span

  • Pocahontas is born

    Pocahontas is born
    Real date and year is unknown, but people think it was around about 1595.
  • Pocahontas sees Jamestown for the first time

    Pocahontas sees Jamestown for the first time
    Dhe observed the colonists while they searches for food and shelter.
  • Pocahontas saves John Smith

    Pocahontas saves John Smith
    She begged her father to let John go after he had been injured or kill her instead, but Powatan wouldn't kill his favorite daughter(John had been beated with spikey clubs.)
  • John is captured

    John is captured
    Pocahontas' father Powatan's brother, Oechancanough captured John.
  • John leaves Jamestown

    John leaves Jamestown
    After being serverly hurt, he returned to England.
  • Pocahontas is captured

    Pocahontas is captured
    She was captured by Sir Samuel Argall, and there she became a Christian.
  • Pocahontas is babtized

    Pocahontas is babtized
  • Pocahontas gets married

    Pocahontas gets married
    John Rolfe and pocahontas fell in love and were soon to be married.
  • Baby Thomas Rolfe is born!

    Baby Thomas Rolfe is born!
    After Pocahontas and John got married they had a child named Thomas.
  • Pocahontas goes to England

    Pocahontas goes to England
    Rolfe tookPocahontas and Thomas to England, and there, was inspired and loved by many English.
  • Pocahontas dies

    Pocahontas dies
    She became very ill not long after leaving England, then died returning to Virginia.