
  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act

    The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is implemented between the United States, Great Britain, Mexico, Japan, and Russia, protecting migrating birds from being killed, hunted, exported, or sold for profit.
  • Siberian Tiger population decline

    Hunting and deforestation in Russia leads to a 40% decline in the Siberian tiger population
  • CITIES froms agreement

    CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is formed as an international agreement to protect animals in trade so that their survival is not threatened.
  • Endangered Species Act

    The Endangered Species Act provides conservation for threatened and endangered plants and animals in their respective habitats in an effort to keep populations stable and protected.
  • CITES became effective

  • Ivory Ban

    A global ivory ban is created by CITES in an effort to reduce poaching and stop the decreasing number of elephant populations.
  • Elephant poaching increases

    Elephant poaching spikes and 120 carcasses are found in a national park in Africa.
  • Lacey Act amended

    The United States passes the Lacey Act making it illegal to sell a poached animal in one state to someone in another state for a profit. In 2008 it was amended to include a wider variety of prohibited plants and plant products.
  • 13 elephant tusks were confiscated

  • CITES issues report indicating that the killing of elephants has reached record levels in Africa

    The report, released on 21st June, highlighted that 2011 was the worst year on record for elephant poaching, with tens of thousands of elephants killed each year. Once again, Central Africa was highlighted as having the highest levels of elephant poaching in Africa.
  • Suspects arrested for trafficking 44 ivory tusks in South East Cameroon

    Game rangers and the military in Cameroon confiscated over 100 kilograms of elephant ivory was hidden in a truck transporting cocoa. A total of four poeple were arrested.
  • 2011 is found to be the highest year on record for large scale ivory seizures

    In 2011 there was a record number of large ivory seizures globally, reflecting the sharp rise in illegal ivory trade since 2007
  • Mass elephant poaching in Cameroon

    Mass elephant poaching incident in Bouba Ndjida National Park, Northern Cameroon. Hundreds of elephants were killed by a heavily armed gang crossing the border from Chad.
  • 7 people killed in attack on Okapi Reserve, DRC

    Poachers armed with AK47 rifles attacked the facility and killed seven people. Led by the elephant poacher known as Morgan, the attackers torched buildings and destroyed equipment.
  • President of Chad sends troops after elephant poachers

    Following the July 24 massacre of dozens of elephants in southwestern Chad, President Idriss Deby Itno sent
    helicopters to the Mayo Lemie – Chari Baguiri area to catch the poachers.
  • Rebel leader accused of killing elephants in DRC

    Accused an elephant poacher, Morgan, of killing hundreds of elephants in a DRC wildlife area over two weeks