Landmark Legislation

  • Separate schools are not equal

    Separate schools are not equal
    The Supreme Court sanctioned segregation by upholding the doctrine of "separate but equal." The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People disagreed with this ruling, so they challenging the constitutionality of segregation in the Topeka and Kansas school system.
  • Segregation Ends

    Segregation Ends
    the Court reversed its Plessy decision, declaring that "separate schools are inherently unequal. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Brown v. Board of Education
  • Gender Equality

    Gender Equality
    A female a middle-school student was unable to try out for her school’s football team, as the tryouts were restricted to boys only. She claimed that the school’s policy violated her Fourteenth Amendment equal protection rights. The district court ruled in the student’s favor, finding that the school offered no justifiable reason for preventing girls from trying out.
  • Language Equality

    Language Equality
    Non-English-speaking students in San Francisco claimed that they were being denied equal protection by the school system’s failure to provide additional English language instruction. While the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students, it did so by relying on Section 601 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act rather than the Equal Protection Clause; Section 601 protects against discrimination on the basis of national origin. This case paved the way for future decisions regarding bilingual education.
  • School finance system

    School finance system
    New Jersey’s Education Law Center claimed that New Jersey’s school finance system both disadvantaged students in low-income districts and contributed to significant differences in the adequacy of education offered in poor districts compared to wealthy districts.
  • Special Disabilities

    Special Disabilities
    A student with learning disabilities switched from a public school to a private school after the public school failed to meet his needs as a student (a free and appropriate public education, or FAPE). A hearing officer ordered that the public school district reimburse the student for the private school expenses.
  • No child left behind act

    No child left behind act
    President Barack Obama announces that the applications of ten states seeking waivers from some of the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law were approved. New Mexico's application is approved a few days later.

    CPS announces that its latest round of layoffs will total than 1000 employees, including approximately 550 teachers. The school districts were loosing funding and were not able to pay the teaching at the rate they were hired
  • Teachers on Strike

    Teachers on Strike
    more than 30,000 public school teachers in the Los Angeles go on strike over class size, pay, and lack of support staff. Demanding for a better education system
  • COVID-19

    The world health organization declared a declaration to suspend the schools and all colleges for in person classes
  • Stimulus Plan - Reopening schools

    Stimulus Plan - Reopening schools
    President-Elect Joe Biden announces his 1.9 Trillion dollar COVID-19 stimulus plan. The plan includes $130-billion to help safely reopen schools.